Chapter 2

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Is that really what---

"Miss (L/N)!" Professor McGonagall shouted at me. She was--- is a really nice woman but really strict.

"Sorry professor... I just... Um..." I looked down.

"Is everything right, miss (L/N)? I've received many comments from other professors about you. If you ever have any kind of problem you should know that everyone here would be glad to help you, but you cannot risk your studies with whatever is disturbing you."

"I'm sorry, professor Mcgonagall..." I remebered the house cup and the points. "But please do not take points out from Gryffindor! I don't care if I get punished for not paying attention to your class, which I'm sorry for, but Gryffindor house doesn't have the fault!"

Professor Mcgonagall was hiding a smile. "I'm not taking points out from Gryffindor, actually, I'm adding five points to Gryffindor, for offering yourself to punishment to save your house points, but you have to be really careful because I can asure you that you won't be running with the same luck next time."

"Thank you, professor Mcgonagall!"

"Class is out!" 

I went out of the classroom and walked out hurrying to go to the great hall to grab some food and go back to the Gryffindor tower.

"(Y/N)!" I walked faster as I pretended I didn't hear. "(Y/N)!!!" Someone touched my shoulder. I got paralized.

I turned back. "Harry! Ron! Hermione!" I tried to sound as surprised as posible, I could lie better than a Slytherin... But I'm not on the mood.

"We were calling you" yeah... I'm not deaf, You know? and you do not scream low either.

"Really? I couldn't hear" I lied.

"It was wicked what you did with Mcgonagall!" Ron said. I smiled. "I mean, YOU WON FIVE POINTS FOR GRYFFINDOR!"

"Thanks!" I gave them a bigger smile. I looked Ron, then Hermione... And Harry... I saw elsewhere.

"Well, let's go to the great hall to eat, someone" She looked to Ron "didn't stop complaining that he needed food and didn't LET ME CONCENTRATE!" She screamed and looked fiercely to Ron.

"Yeah... I'm not hungry... I actually planned on going to the Gryffindor tower... So..."

"I'm not hungry either," Said Harry. "I'm going with you, (Y/N)" I nodded, even if I didn't want him to be in there, I didn't want no one to be in there.

I went with Harry to the picture of the fat lady, I murmured the password: "Caput Draconis" and entered. No one was inside. I sat on the couch with no expression on my face.

"Is... Is everything okay, (Y/N)?" A tear was retaining at my eye. "(Y/N)?" I could retain the tear no more, it went down by my cheek. Harry. Harry let his things on the floor and sat down by my side.

"Sorry..." I dried my tear. "I just... I remembered my parents" Harry nodded. "I don't know if... If I've told any of you yet... But... I... I'm adopted... My biological parents... They were wizards... They... They wrote me a letter..." By this point I couldn't stop my tears from coming out, I started crying disconsolately, until I felt some arms around me, Harry?

Harry's POV

Is she... Crying? I mean... I know she is a living being and that she has feelings of course, but... She didn't show herself like this the last week we've been in Hogwarts. I hugged her, I didn't know what else to do.

"(Y/N)? What did the letter say?" I said finally after a little while of silence. She separated from me, sobbed and took a piece of parchment out of her cape.
"Re-read it..." She dried her tears with her arm while she passed me the letter, without looking at me, I looked at her once more before looking at the piece of parchment.

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Mar 01, 2020 ⏰

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