The New Boy (A Shawn Mendes Fanfiction)

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Chapter 16

Sebastian's POV

Louise was basically the first person to talk to me on my first day of school.

She seems really nice, and is extremely pretty. We had a long chat at lunch and I got to know her pretty well.

After school, Louise gave me her number, but I didn't know whether to text her when I got back home. 

"How was your first day sweetie?" my mum asks as I close the front door of my house.

"It was actually good" I smiled, giving her a small hug.

"That's good to hear!"

I went upstairs and chucked my backpack on the floor and sat on the edge of my bed, lookng at my phone. I bent down to pick my bag up again and started looking through my front pocket.

I got the piece of paper Louise wrote her number on, and dialled it into my phone,

Me: Hey, it's Seb.

Louise's POV

After about 20 minutes of crying into my pillow, I heard my phone buzz from the floor and I slowly got up to see who it was. If it was Shawn, I don't even want to hear what he's got to say. I'm done with his crap, I don't even deserve any of this right now.

I picked up my phone as I wiped my tears with my hand and saw a number I haven't seen before with "Hey, it's Seb" underneath it.

I thought to myself if I do something to take my mind of Shawn, I'd feel much better. So I unlocked my phone, saved his number in my contacts and replied,

Me: Hey Seb.

Sebastian: How are you?

Me: I'm fine you?

I lied.

Sebastian: I'm really bored actually.

I don't know what went through my head but I just wanted somebody's company, so I said,

Me: Do you wanna hang out?

He gave me an instant reply.

Sebastian: Sure thing, where do you wanna go..?

Me: Park?

Sebastian: Okay, I'll meet you there then. Wait is it called Cherry Avenue Park?

Me: Yesh. See ya in 10


I got to the park before Seb did, so I decided to sit on one of the swings. It was about 6:49 pm, so no one was in the playground.

"Heyy! Sorry I got kinda lost because I'm still not used to this area." Sebastian said as I saw him walking into the park.

"It's okay" I laughed, trying so hard to hide my feelings.

He came over and sat on the swing next to me.

"Are you sure you're okay Louise?"

As soon as Seb said that, I couldn't hide my emotions any longer.

One heavy tear came rolling down my cheek as I looked down at my hands, Sebastian brought my chin up and looked deeply into my eyes.

He slowly wiped my tear with his finger and got out of his swing and pulled me into a hug. I tood up and hugged him so tightly and just cried into his chest.

"Shh.. It's okay, everythings going to okay" his was so gentle and comforting. I looked up wiping more tears that came rushing down my face. I was quite relieved I wasn't wearing any mascara, otherwise my cheeks would've been all black and smudged. 

"Do you wanna tell me what happened? It's up to you whether you're feeling comfortable telling me about it" he said half smiling.

I thought about it for a minute and then thought, why not. It's not like he's gonna tell anybody to be honest..

"Well.. You know how we were talking about Shawn Mendes?" I said making eye contact with him.


"Well, he's my boyfriend but he hasn't spoken to be for a couple of days and he hasn't been in school either. So I called him not long ago and.." I got a lump in my thought as I was trying to explain what Shawn did to me, but everytime I thought about it, I'd just feel my eyes burning up again.

"He's been cheating on me and.." 

At thid point I started crying all over again and Seb pulled me into another hug.

"It's okay, Louise. I'm so sorry. What a jerk, huh?" 

Just listening to his voice made me like him even more, even though he's a new kid and I hardly know him. But it's like I've known him for ages, and we've just reunited sort of thing. 

The hug felt like ages, so I pulled away.

"So um.. I better be heading back home, I guess" I say trying to smile and wiping my tears once again.

Sebastian's POV

"Okay, sure. I hope you'll feel better by tomorrow. I'll text you." I reply, smiling back and walking over to the gate of the park.

"Bye, Seb".


I walked back home which took about 25 minutes, and took my phone out of my pocket to check the time. It read 7:51 pm. 

I searched for my keys which were in my backpack and finally took them out as I arrived at my front door. 

I immediately ran upstairs to my room and dived on top of my bed and layed there for about 10 minutes until I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" I groaned.

"Hey Sebi, I'm just about to make dinner. What would you like?"


"You already had that yesterday"

"Mum, can I just have pasta please" I sighed.

Pasta was my favourite thing to eat and lemonade. I remember that Louise's favourite was pizza and orange juice. As soon as I thought about Louise, I remembered what she and I were just talking about. God, I feel so sorry for her. I didn't know Shawn was that type of person. I really did look up to him and his talent of singing. But now I'm having second thoughts. 




so what do you think about this chapter? pls comment, like and vote for this fanfic!

I'm from London so I'm not writing 'Mom' or 'favorite' and stuff like american type or canadians bc i know that Shawn and Sebastian live in canada so they type like that, if anyone knows what I mean aha

thank you so much who is keeping up with my fanfic and is enjoying it! x x x x

make sure you follow my twitter @sebftshawn (I know I keep changing my acc now sorry ahah) 

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