The New Boy (A Shawn Mendes Fanfiction)

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Sorry guys I haven't updated in forever! and sorry to keep you waiting, i'll be updating chapter 10 and 11 today and then the rest tomorrow and the next day bc i'm off school so i have lot of free time atm..

Enjoy chapter 10! xx

Chapter 10

Louise's POV

The bell rang for lunch and I quickly gathered my books from my desk and got up to be on my way to the lunch hall. I saw Shawn as I walking through the doors of the hall and smiled saying "hey" he exchanged a smile back saying "hi beautiful". I blushed a bit and carried on walking with Shawn beside me.

We found our table and sat with Cara, Skye, Izzy and Joey. I was wondering where Juan and Hazel were until I saw them holding hands laughing together which immediately put a smile to my face because I knew what was going on.

"Well hello there you two lovebirds" I teased, as Hazel gave me a light slap on my arm when she came over to the table. I saw Juan next to her, he's cheeks looked as red as a the devil itself. I glanced at him and mouthed "you okay?", but he just nodded and took his seat. 


I went to Shawn's house after school and he showed me some of his songs he wrote and played them to me. His voice was like listening to an angel, it was so heavenly. I was thinking to myself that he should definitely get a singing career because there was something special about him. 

I heard the door open as Shawn got up to see who it was and it was his dad. He called Shawn downstairs and Shawn glanced back at me saying "sorry, I'll be right back", I nodded and watching him close his door behind him.

I'm pretty nosy when it comes to other peoples houses, so I randomly get up and started looking around Shawn's room. I firstly looked around the pictures of him and his family on his wall and then a picture of him and his sister Aaliyah that was leaning on the wall on top of his beside table. I know I should've done this but I opened his beside tables draws and found ; a camera, few more family and friend photos, couple of books and some sunglasses. Well, I think to myself, at least he isn't hiding anything from me. I mean, not that I want him to..

Seconds later I heard footsteps racing upstairs and I quickly sat on Shawn's bed pretending to be on my phone like nothing happened. The door swung open and I viewed Shawn's face, he had the most immense smile on his face and soon later he said all at once,

"How would you like to come to Hawaii with me in 3 weeks?"

"Wait.. are you actually being serious?" I instantly replied in shock

"Yeah, my dad's friend just got a new job at a hotel there and asked if he wanted to go there for the summer holidays!"

"I don't k-" Shawn cut me off by basically screaming like a fan girl


My eye widened "Really?!?!?"


"Shawn I'd love to!" 

I got up from his bed and gave him the tighest hug I've ever given anyone, and he did the same. I couldn't help but smile to myself, thinking how much fun I would have with Shawn. I let go of Shawn and pulled out my phone from my back pocket and called my mum, 

"Hey lovely, you alright?"

"Hi mum, yeah I'm great thanks. I'm just at Shawn's house and he asked if I wanted to go to Hawaii with him and his family in 3 weeks time, so please please pleasseee can I go" I practically begged her, until she sighed,

"I'll talk to your father about it" and ended the call.

I inhaled the air and breathed it out, and turned to Shawn who was giving me a half smile. "It's fine if you can't come you know, it's not a big deal. It would be just nice spending time with you." I looked away from him and gazed at my phone. "I think I'll go home now, I'll text you" I said after a couple of minutes, as I quickly gathered my jacket and bag.


Shawn's POV

When Louise left I hoped that her parents would say yes because I love hanging out with her. As I was getting ready for bed, I slipped on some boxers but I don't normally wear a shirt so I just go shirtless. I turned off my light and then picked up my phone from my bedside table and climbed into bed. I switch my phone on and it literally glowed up my whole room which made me feel more awake, I squinted at my phone and saw I had a message from Louise.

Louise: Heyy, I spoke to my parents as soon as I got back home about the whole Hawaii trip and I convinced them for me to go and I can!! x

Me: That's really great Louise, glad to hear :) x

Louise: Yeah, I'm gonna go to sleep now cuz I'm really tired lol night x

Me: Goodnight x


Okay guys so I hope you liked chapter 10! Will be updating chapter 11 today but i'm not sure bout tomorrow bc i'm having a sleepover and stuuffff so yeah xx

follow me on twitter please :) if you want lol


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