Bewilderment at First Sight

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When Bilbo the dog announced that he will be running into a stranger's home, it was too late because he was already inside.

Arabella took off after the dog, frantically crying for it to come back. She didn't know what she'd do if she lost her beloved Bilbo; she'd had him ever since she moved four years ago. Racing across the empty street, she followed the small tracks through a gate and into a backyard. Of course, she wasn't aware she was on someone's property until she was met with an open glass door and an extremely tempting trail of muddy pawprints.

"Bilbo!" The twenty-year-old whispered harshly. Her heart was racing and she silently cursed at the dog. All Arabella could think about was how much trouble she'd get in if she was caught. What excuse would she give to the police?

Little did she know that the owner of the house had watched the unusual girl creep in and continuously grab her hair like a madwoman. However, he'd also seen the rodent scuttle in not too long before and decided to observe from afar. He'd never liked dogs or any animal for that matter. An amused grin spread across his lips as he watched her bump into numerous items one after the other. She'd be an awful spy he thought and started towards his living room.

Back in the house, Arabella clutched at her hip in pain. Everything had decided to be closer than she thought at all the wrong moments. She'd be lucky if nobody had heard her but she had never been lucky in her entire existence and squealed when a low voice sounded into the room.

"What are you doing in my house?"

Arabella placed her hand on her heart, trying to stop it from beating so fast. She held up a finger for him to wait whilst she caught her breath. "You scared me!" She exclaimed, pouting at the considerably handsome man before her.

"I could have you arrested for breaking and entering." He said calmly. 

"You could but technically I haven't broken anything and as far as I'm aware, entering isn't illegal."

He replied, "Trespassing, then."

"Goddamnit." She groaned and tugged at a strand of hair. She had to get out of there. An idea popped into her mind and she smiled sweetly at the man before sprinting past him. She ran as fast as her little legs could carry her but was already exhausted within five seconds. The gates to heaven were in sight and she almost cried from her victory before an arm wrapped around her waist and she was hoisted into the air.

I'm flying! She thought, laughing, as her feet glided just above the floor.

The man, seeing how entertained she was, carried her for a while longer before placing her down and staring at the strange girl. He had a confused look on his face and his light brown eyes were swirling with intrigue. He thought she ought to be mad or an escapee from a mental asylum. He also thought she was quite cute although he'd wouldn't admit it any time soon.

He said, "You never answered my question."

She knew the only way out of this was to cooperate so she bounced on the balls of her feet, glancing up at the man. She hoped her puppy eyes worked. "My dear dog, Bilbo, ran in here so I followed him. I can't seem to find him."

A thought came across the man's mind which he failed to cast aside. The house got awfully lonely sometimes and a companion would be much appreciated. All he needed was someone to spend his deafening silences with and this girl had just walked into his life. 

"I'll help you find the dog." He stated.

"Thank you! I owe you one." She smiled at him and started roaming around again. She wasn't meant to be gone for so long and was sure she'd left a light on before she left; relying on returning quickly to turn it off. Electricity bills were so high these days. Not to mention all her pets who most definitely wouldn't survive without her. God, what about Roberta! The elderly lady next door depended on Arabella as if she was oxygen. The man before her almost laughed as he could see all the cogs turning in her mind but instead softly tugged her hand to bring her back down to Earth. 

She smiled sheepishly and followed after him. Arabella couldn't help but admire his house. It was average sized but the decor was impeccable, a Spanish theme running throughout with rich reds and terracottas. She was itching to look at the numerous pictures dotted around the place but couldn't be so nosy with him beside her. As they made their way upstairs, she noticed a long Persian rug coating the mahogany landing and walked around it, not wanting to get it dirty. That animal was in for a lecture if he'd destroyed anything. 

When she'd finished appreciating the property, Arabella returned to looking for her dog. The stranger had departed, presumably searching for Bilbo too and after a while, he called out that he'd found him. She raced into the room and saw the black and white Maltese lounging across a satin sofa. 

"Get off the sofa, you scoundrel." She scolded the dog and the man observed how she took the small creature into her arms and frowned at it. Arabella looked up into the man's eyes, worry swirling through them, "I'm so sorry he was on your sofa." 

"No worries. This is a spare room anyway so it hardly gets used." He cracked a smile, cautiously patting the dog and Arabella tried not to salivate over how devilishly handsome this man was. She smiled back and followed him back downstairs but taking a left turn towards the back door whilst he took a right turn. 

"I do have a front door, you know." He said, gesturing to the open door and she blushed from embarrassment. She ducked her head and scurried over to him. A strange feeling washed over her and she suddenly felt herself not wanting to leave. Little did she know that he felt the same way but she stepped out into the cool air and turned to bid goodbye. 

It was only then that she truly saw him. 

His luscious stygian hair fell across his forehead and golden, tanned skin disappeared into a white dress shirt. His muscles bulged through the sleeves and slender fingers clutched the door frame. The shirt was tucked into slim-fit, black slacks and his shoes were just as smart. Compared to her sweatpants and sneakers, he looked like royalty and she allowed herself to indulge. He watched her observe him and restrained from saying or doing anything, unfamiliar with the attention. Eventually, she snapped out of it and her cheeks reddened with shame. 

"What's your name?" She asked softly. They both wondered for a moment if anything would come out of this. 

"Cassius." He mumbled. "My name is Cassius."  

As you'll soon see, I'm obsessed with the Lord of The Rings so I can't help but throw in a couple references ;)

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