The band has been playing for over an hour now it has been all fun, but Frank needs to give his everything for the last minutes of the show and let the crowd remember whom they are, who he is. He jumps around and amazes the fans with his guitar moves. No he doesn't want to amaze them; he wants them to never forget this show. He crawls to get on top of the speakers, the distance is pretty high from the stage's surface but he doesn't care, he's been jumping enough times and with the help of his favorite drug, he doesn't fear a thing. He jumps off but the belt suddenly gets detached from the guitar, out of surprise and a little fear, he holds unto the guitar, to finally hit the stage again, he tries to get back on his feet but a sharp pain enables him, the neck of the guitar had broken and penetrated unto his thigh. Blood all over his leg and fans panicking, the singer stops singing and Frank reassures him with a nod.
"Continue the show..." he says into his ear as he approached to check on him.
"You had to do this?!" He calls the security guy who helps Frank unto the nursery.
"As you saw it... guys, who knows how to play our songs on guitar? We're making dreams come true tonight!" the enthusiastic singer says into the microphone trying to handle the situation and so the fans cheered. Oh how quick people can forget about you... thought Frank. In a hospital bed, backstage, he was laying, observing the panicking doctor going back and forth. But Frank's wound needed to be sutured quickly.
"Hey man, the fuck?" asked Frank throughout the pain, having enough of him turning round and round.
"Is it this endangered? Am I going to lose my leg or what?" Frank asked again seeing the doctor's frightened face.
"N-no. I'm just going to clean and suture it..."
"You scared me..." said Frank a bit relieved.
"S-sorry. You need to... Take off your pants..."
"Take them off yourself. I'm in pain..." The doctor started by unbuckling Frank's belt with his shaky hands, and pulling his dirty with blood old pair of jeans, undressing him just enough to uncover the wound on his thigh.
"Wait a minute, I need some supplies." The doctor said already on his way to bring the small briefcase, opening it, and confused about what to do first.
"Can you be quick? We have another show after." Complained Frank the doctor's slowness out.

"I'm... I'm really sorry sir..." he said as he quickened to get cotton, letting it absorb the cleaning solution. "This will hurt a little bit. Please be patient." He warned his patient, who was losing his patience; he closed his eyes as he pressed the wet cotton on the wound, with trembling hands. The doctor was scarred; even more scarred than the victim.

"I don't care about the pain..." confessed Frank too soon, before he felt it burning and eating his slit skin. "Ow! Fuck you!" he screamed from the pain it caused, a pain even more painful than the fall.

"I'm-I'm really sorry... I apologize, sir..." he said, panicking as he cleaned the blood off the wound's edges; tears filling his eyes from being cursed, blurring his vision.

"It's Frank. You shit head!"

"S-sorry Frank... You have lost some blood. I would like you to, uh... let me check your blood pressure."

"Just give me drugs!" ordered Frank, so he cannot feel the pain anymore.

"N-no..." he was too nervous to concentrate, and Frank talking didn't help. "Just let me suture it."

"But I'm in pain!" complained again, contradicting himself.

"Frank, we can't give you any drugs right now please be comprehensive." The doctor said loudly, without stuttering for once; trying so hard to concentrate again, but then realized that he yelled at his patient, and quickly turned red; he shouldn't have done that.

"I'm gonna be owing you something then." Confirmed Frank.

"I'm just trying to do my job..." he explained, concentrated before leaving to get anesthesia, but to Frank's luck, they haven't been displayed it yet. Frank giggled sarcastically through the harsh pain "You need to bear this with me, Frank..." he stated penetrating the big enough needle in Frank's skin, without a warning as he was afraid of Frank, especially after he threatened him.

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