"Bitches titties was everywhere" Beyonce says laughing

"Making some of the girls shirts disappear is extremely rude and inappropriate. Along with the time u made the ceiling catch on fire, also you two filled the hallways with snakes and hacked porn into all devices in the school while the board was here" she says as Beyoncè rolls her eyes

"Yeah yeah ight we get it. Damn we can't have no fun" Robyn says

"Alright let's begin"..

*********** After School

"Nika.....psttt Ik damn well she hear me calling her" bey says smacking her lips as they got to us as we sat on the park bench

"Ayo I know yall big head asses heard us"

"I know you ain't talking forehead" jhene says scrunching her eyebrows

"Shut up, long back ass"

"What y'all want" I answer chuckling

"What's the move I know y'all ain't bout to stay here all day" Robyn asks swinging her legs on jhene

"Lets go Luey's "  bey suggests moving me out of my seat sitting down pulling me on her lap

"Yes please I need a break from the house" jhene says

"You and me both"

"...you live alone bey" Robyn says

"Shut up lil dick ass"

"Yeah I gotta disagree with you on that one bey" jhene says making Robyn smirk

"You nasty bitch" I chuckle at her as she shrugs smirking

"You girls must found yourselves on the wrong side of town..especially at this time of day" some man says smirking at us while about 17 other guys come of the bushes with the symbols "H.C" on their jackets

"Aye look here Dumb, dumber and the big dummies, we ain't got time for this shit so go back to where you came from" Robyn says nonchalantly rolling up a blunt while bey continues to rub circles on my thighs

"Aye but why this one look like Captain K'nuckles" bey laughed

"Wayment!" Jhene says as we all laugh not able to hold it

"Men are mad irritating" I says picking at my nails

"You bitches need to watch your mouths" one of the men say as the main guy holds his hand to him to quiet him

"You bitches need clear this shit out. This our side I don't want to see pretty little things like you all getting hurt"
he says

"Aye look, real shit y'all getting annoying go the hell on for it be a problem" bey says taping my legs for me to stand as she stood in front of me and Robyn doing the same to jhene putting her blunt behind her ear

Them and they lil anger issues I tell ya

"Ouuu they got some mouths on them, boys let's see if they can put it to use" the man says as they all march towards us

Robyn and Bey shrug as they use their vampire speed to take out the guys. Breaking their neck and sucking their bodies dry.

"Well looks like we don't have to do anything" jhene skips back to the bench to sit down just as two guys were standing in our way

"Aye there pretty girls just stand still for us it's gonna be quick" he says as they both walk over towards

Jhene's eyes turn grey as she stare at the first guy causing him to stop walking and begin to sweat bullets then suddenly his body was smoking

"AHHHHHH!!! WTF HELP ME!" He screams as the other guy watches as he catches on fire

"You bitches!" The other one says running towards me. I don't know why he keeps trying I think with a nonchalant look on my face.
I flicked my hand causing his neck to snap

"You took the easy way out" jhene pouts

"They were annoying and  didn't feel like wasting more time. Come let's eat I'm hungry" I pout grabbing beys hand as we walk towards our cars

"Ew Robyn you have blood on you" jhene says

"Come on lets ride to my place so we can clean up and we all ride to luey's in Bey car."

"What happened to yours" I asked

"this stupid bitch got crazy and fucked my shit up"

"Why" I laughed as bey pokes my sides

"Cause I fucked her best friend..but she died, how sad" she shrugs

"And how did she die" jhene asked rolling her eyes


"Yeah she fell" Bey laughs moving away from me

"Well beys house it is, meet y'all there" I say as me and jhene get into the car driving off


Keep orrrrr???

Not that good at writing buuuuuttt im gonna try this again. I day dreaming about stuff like this and be wanting to write it before I forget 🤷🏽‍♀️

Let's see where this goes🕺🏽♥️

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