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The ship bound for Asgard was being piloted by Clint. Natasha sat in the copilot's seat, a little uneasy now that they were headed that way.

"What will happen if SHIELD finds out?" She asked Clint.

"I don't think we want to know," he said with a sigh. "But the point is, we can't sit around and do nothing. Everyone seems to have no problem accepting that they are gone...I can't just believe that."

"You lost someone. Didn't you?" Natasha knew instantly, by the quiet determination in his voice.

"My wife." His tone was flat. "So now you see. Why Im doing this. But I wont be the only one benefiting."

"How could this have happened?" Natasha buried her head in her hands. "I lost him, Clint. I lost the only man I've ever loved."

"What would you do to get him back?" Clint asked, his voice low and determined.

"Anything. Whatever it takes."

The Wytches weren't exactly the warmest of characters. They looked at Clint and Natasha like they usually looked at outsiders. It took a bit of convincing for them to finally agree to hear Natasha out.

She sat in one of their wooden chairs, ready to explain everything. A wave of exhaustion had hit her, and she just wanted to sleep. But she sat up straight and looked into the woman's brooding eyes.

"I lost the love of my life due to Thanos. I need a way to bring him back. We lost friends, too. Others that we care about. I just want him back. I'll do whatever I have to do. Whatever the price is, I'll pay it. Just tell me what to do."

Clint nodded. "I'll do whatever needs to be done also. I'm not afraid."

The Wytch looked between the two of them. "This is definitely an unusual request...but, there is a way to solve the problem. You want to bring them back, and you say you will do whatever you have to. Listen carefully, and I will explain what you must do..."


There was darkness all around him. He could hear voices, screaming, from all different directions. He tried to move closer to the voices, but each time he tried, they moved further and further away. He could barely make out the faintest light coming from straight ahead, but his body--or soul--was trapped and could not move.

His mind tried to focus on one thing, but it was hard. All of the bad things he had ever done went rushing through his tortured mind. But he forced himself to think of a good memory, something that could pull him out of this psychological hell.

And he thought of Natasha. She finally materialized in his mind. He missed her, and ached to hold her. He couldn't help but wonder if she missed him too. Did she think of him? Did she still love him? They hadn't been on the best of terms, but he was sure they still carried love for each other. She had stolen his heart, but he didn't care to take it back.

The darkness was pressing harder on him, and the faint light was fading away. He didn't have much longer before he was gone completely.


Natasha and Clint reentered the ship, both of them still reeling from what the Wytch had said. Neither of them discussed it, but they were both considering it.

"How do we put this plan into action?" She asked.

"We go to Titan, and read from the book the Wytch gave us. Then we hope for the best."

"That doesn't sound like much of a plan," Natasha teased.

"It's the best we've got for right now. Like the Wytch said, this could alter the course of history. And we won't just be bringing back one person. All of them can return, but we have to hurry. They don't have much time."

"Let's go tonight," Natasha said. "We have to do it quickly, before my determination wavers. We won't tell anyone. We'll just go."

Stolen Heart (WinterWidow) A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now