Mama, Where Has Papa Gone?

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For Social Studies, we had to write a poem about the child of a widow in a country where females cannot inherit, and if their husband dies, they have to rely on their brother in law to get by. Tell me what you think please.

Mama, where has Papa gone?

Why is Uncle here?

Mama, Uncle scares me,

Why does he move our chairs?

Mama, where are we going?

Where are all our pets?

Mama, why is cousin moving in?

Why is she in my bed?

Mama, what is going on?

Why do we sleep out here?

Mama, why are you crying?

What's with all the tears?

Mama, why am I so cold?

Where has Papa gone?

Mama, why can't I move?

Why do you tell me to be strong?

Mama, I'm so sleepy,

And I see Papa now

Grandads there, Granny too

Even our old cow

Papa, where is Mama?

Why was she so sad?

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