A New Regime

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Panic gripped Andy again when he woke up in yet another stranger's bedroom. This wasn't how things should go. He should be back in his own bed in his own room. He should be crossing the hall to tell Viv about Jake being his soulmate. He should be getting ready for school, ready for Bates' chemistry test. He should be home. But that wasn't where the universe wanted him, it seemed.
Instead, he was in a bedroom that was too big. Anything could be anywhere behind the three (three!) doors he could see. It was minimalistic but he had a feeling the rooms behind those doors would be more cluttered, more covered in stuff that this probably rich kid didn't need.

Andy was right. There were clothes on the floor of the closet, skateboard balanced on top of it, and a pile of shoes in the corner. He didn't know if he could step anywhere, nor how his second soulmate managed to get dressed in the morning. God, how he wished he were getting dressed right now, going to see Jake at school. He grabbed a cap from the top shelf and examined it; it seemed strangely familiar, he had definitely seen it somewhere. Maybe at school or in town or - god forbid - on tv. He didn't want his soulmate to live far away. He didn't want to have to pay for plane tickets and get visas and mess around with passports.

He walked out of the closet and his eyes fell on a notice board in a corner of the room. There were a bunch of artsy pictures and drawings on it. A chemistry test with 78% marked on it and one that read 20%. There were also a bunch of notes and letters from far away places. One of the letters was on the floor, ripped as if someone had torn it from the board. Jake, maybe? The room was so clean and tidy that it almost couldn't have been their soulmate, so it had to have been Jake, right?
Andy turned the letter over in his hand, reading the name it was addressed to. Sam Conte.

And once again, Andy had been lucky. Not only did he no longer have to endure Jake's bullying, he also didn't have to be afraid of Sam anymore. He could see it, imagine it, right before him. Sam, Jake, and Andy, ruling the school together. Best athlete, Bremin's favorite, and the smartest kid in school, in charge of the world. He'd make their current regime fall and they'd rise on top of it, nicer than they were before but still undoubtedly in charge. And undoubtedly in love. How did Andy manage to fall in love with two people in just two mornings. He didn't know, he just knew that he was. He was in love with this idea he'd seen of better days at Bremin High. In love with the boys beside him and the power they gave him. In love with everything they represented.

But was he in love with them?

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