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Waking up in Andy's bedroom hadn't been a surprise to Felix, he'd already had his supicions. Waking up in Jake Riles' bedroom, now that he hadn't prepared for. But there was no doubt that that was who this was. Bremin trophies on the dresser, footy team pictures on the shelf, an old jersey thrown over the rickety desk chair. The room was well lit, and it hurt Felix' eyes a little at first, since he was so used to waking up in his own dark bedroom, and even Andy had had his curtains closed. Shit, he forgot to close Andy's curtains. Oh well, he'd run out of time, surely Andy would understand. Or maybe it wouldn't be Andy. What if it was Jake who'd woken up in Andy's room. The three of them. Soulmates.

Could he imagine it? Could he let himself? Yes. The answer was yes.

He sank into his own mind.

He could imagine the three of them. Running off together. Somewhere, anywhere. Somewhere where Jake had a scholarship and Andy could go to uni and Felix could bartend or something, he wasn't sure yet. He wasn't gonna be going to university, he knew that much. But Jake and Andy would support him, and he would support them. And they'd get a place together, far away from Bremin and their childhoods. Every bit of shitty shared history, and replace it with new memories. Their memories.

He tried to imagine it but it seemed wrong. Something seemed off, like someone was missing. He tried to fill the gap. Ellen? No. Not Ellen. That hurt a bit, but he was sure the universe had a reason for why they weren't soulmates. Someone else entirely. The opposite of Ellen. Mia? No. Closer but no. Then who. Who could it be. Who were they missing.
Opposite of Ellen, close to Mia. It could only be one person. Sam Conte. Because Felix wasn't gonna have a hard time trusting him. Like at all. Shit.

It would be okay. That's what Felix told himself. If it was Sam, there had to be a reason. The four of them must work well together. If that was what the universe wanted, then it was meant to be. And if it was meant to be then it would be. They'd find a way.

Everything will be okay.

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