The big computer in front of them flashed and Natasha stepped on the old keyboard.


She typed."...spells yes."she mumbled as the computer started to make a weird noise."Shall we play a game?"she asked as her lips turned into a smirk.She turned to Steve."It's from a movie-"she started only to be interrupted by the male.

"Yeah,I saw it."he said not really impressed by the whole situation.Valerie had no idea what they were saying,thinking that she was too young to actually know.A beeping sound took their attention again as an accented voice spoke up.

"Rogers,Steven.Born,1918."spoke the voice as the computer turned into a face or almost like it."Romanoff,
Natalia Alianovna.Born,1984."he spoke again.Wow Natasha had a big name.Though her heart started to beat fast.If this computer knew them all then that meant that he had a hold of her personal information as well.
"Smith,Valerie.Unknown date of birth."she let out the breath she was holding in for the last few seconds.

"It's some kind of a recording."Natasha said with her eyebrows furrowing slightly.

"I am not a recording,Fräulein.I may not be the man I was when the Captain took me prisoner in 1945,but I am."a picture of a chubby man with barely hair and a pair of round glasses flashed on a smaller screen.

Steve seemed to recognize the man since his eyebrows were furrowed and some sweat was starting to show."You know this thing?"Natasha asked as she turned to stare at the blond.

"Arnim Zola was a German scientist who worked for the Red Skull."Steve started as he rounded the big old computer."He's been dead for years."

"First correction,I am Swiss."said the computer in a higher voice as to show his irritation that Steve didn't knew this information."Second,look around you.I have never been more alive.In 1972 I received a terminal diagnosis. Science could not save my body,my mind,however,that was worth saving on two hundred thousand feet of data banks.You are standing in my brain."he said more proudly his last words.As if saying that being alive after all those years was worth it for this meeting.

Steve came to stand inbetween the two females once more."How did you get here?"he asked.

"Invited."said the computer in a happy voice.

"It was Operation Paperclip after World War II.S.H.I.E.L.D. recruited German scientists with strategic value."Natasha said her red eyebrows still furrowed.

"They thought I could help their cause.I also helped my own."said Zola.

Steve was quick to reply."HYDRA died with the Red Skull."

"Cut off one head,two more shall take its place."replied the man,his heavy accent showing,as the image changed into something like an evil octopus and then into two of him and one again.

Valerie knew this from somewhere,it was from Greek Mythology when Hercules cut off one of Hydra's head two popped in its place.This meant this organization was much more dangerous than she had anticipated.

"Prove it."Steve spoke up.The computers around him making weird sounds.She noted as his knuckles had turned white when he held his shield.A bad feeling had started to sit on her stomach as she looked around on all the old technology.

"Accessing archive."spoke the computer."HYDRA was founded on the belief that humanity could not be trusted with its own freedom."started Zola again as various videos flashed on a smaller computer to her left."What we did not realize,was that if you try to take that freedom,they resist.The war taught us much.
Humanity needed to surrender its freedom willingly.After the war, S.H.I.E.L.D. was founded and I was recruited.The new HYDRA grew.A beautiful parasite inside S.H.I.E.L.D. For seventy years HYDRA has been secretly feeding crisis,reaping war.And when history did not cooperate,history was changed."

Hawkgirl #2 (Sequel to Arrow)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora