action and amazement pt.2

Start from the beginning


When Isabelle got out of the van, she couldn't help but feel the anxiety knotting up in her stomach. Her mother had texted her telling her they needed to talk because Alec was supposedly under threat.
As if sensing her worry, Simon walked up behind her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.
"Don't worry. I'm sure it won't be that bad. And even if it is, you're a badass so it's not as if you won't be able to do anything."
For a moment, Isabelle felt hopeful.
But it would be four teenagers and a centuries old warlock up against practically the entire world.
"Would I though? I'm only sixteen. I may be good in battle, but it's Alec that controls everything. He sees a logical way out of every situation. Jace and I just rush at anyone who threatens us. And no one ever listens to sixteen year olds anyway. We're too headstrong and bold."
Simon couldn't think of anything to say, so he kissed her. Lightly, a soft touch of the lips.
And Isabelle could feel her worry melt away.
"Listen. This is a situation that gives us the opportunity to shine. To show that we're not to be messed with. That we'll do anything to get what's right. Magnus and I may be different, but we have useful abilities. I mean Magnus can freaking do anything! And I have the encanto don't I? Whatever happens, our weird little band of misfits will pull through."
Izzy smiled. She almost said 'I love you', but she didn't want her love life to get in the way of something more urgent and important.
"I should probably go see my mother now. You take care of Clary, and make sure Jace doesn't do anything dangerous!" she said, kissing his cheek again.
And off she went.


"This is perfect," Alec sighed, for what was probably the 558th time. But it was true. He and Magnus were cuddled together, a thick blanket keeping them warm as winter started to creep in. The only lights on were the beautiful soft rainbow lights and the letter ones. Someone had bought sandalwood scented candles as well; which Magnus had been elated with.
Earlier, they had sat and had a massive movie marathon; anything and everything that looked good. Alec had got to see Magnus's nerdy side, but he thought it was cute. Now, they were simply lying together on the couch, Magnus's head resting on Alec's chest; his arms wrapped around him.
"Mhm," he replied, sleepily.
"Are you tired?"
"A little, yeah. It's just I'm so cozy and warm, I feel like sleeping."
Alec smiled. "Well why not then?"
But there was no use talking anymore, for Magnus was already asleep. Alec stroked his hair lightly, feeling the most content he ever had.
He himself was about to drift off when his phone buzzed. Magnus stirred lightly, but Alec dismissed him by kissing his forehead.

from: izzyyyyy 💅✨

what are you and magnus doing rn? like are u busy?

to: izzyyyyy 💅✨

no why

from: izzyyyyy 💅✨

mom needs you asap. we all do actually. i'm sorry this had to happen, i'm sorry this ruined your night, but it's very serious.

to: izzyyyyy 💅✨

if it's so serious that i have to leave magnus then why aren't u telling me what it is

from: izzyyyyy 💅✨

i can't explain it over text alec,,i told you i'm sorry

to: izzyyyyy 💅✨

well i'm sorry but it's going to wait until tomorrow morning bc magnus is currently asleep and he's lying on my chest so i can't move and he looks adorable asf and i love him too much to wake him up and leave him alone

from: izzyyyyy 💅✨


to: izzyyyyy 💅✨

lmao love u too sis x

Alec rolled his eyes fondly. However, anxiety was starting to pool in the pit of his stomach. What was wrong? It must involve him because otherwise why would Izzy say they all need him and that his mother needs him? He took a deep breath and shuffled his body down so he could fully cuddle Magnus, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.


"I'm so sorry to disturb your fun, Izzy darling."
"It's okay, mom, honestly. Just, tell me what it is. I'm scared."
Maryse's eyes looked sad as she struggled to hold herself together.
"A girl who lives here, about Alec's age, knows. She overhead him talking to Magnus in his room."
"Excuse me?! She eavesdropped on a private conversation? Not only is what she did creepy, it's also gross and horrible. What's her name? I feel like she'd love to see me," Isabelle said, a dangerous fury burning inside.
Maryse admired that in her beautiful daughter. She was always so passionate and caring.
"Unfortunately, she didn't tell me. But what I do know, is that this is very serious. I wasn't very...polite, shall we say. So she's probably went off and told someone. The more time we give her, the more word spreads and the more Alec is in danger. And with Jonathan Morgenstern returning like he said he would, time is more precious than ever."
Isabelle froze.
"Jonathan? Magnus and Simon's attacker?"
"Yes. He's Valentine's son-"
"And Clary's brother."
There was a moment of silence as mother and daughter thought.
Not only was Alec in danger, but because Jonathan was back, the Clave would most likely presume Clary was sent by him as a spy. Little did they know how much she hated him for what he did.
"Isabelle, I hate to tell you this, but it was discovered than Jonathan has been the cause of multiple recent attacks on Institutes and also normal mundanes. He's highly wanted by the Clave, but he's extremely clever."
"Why are you telling me this?"
Maryse swallowed.
"It's a lot to ask of such young children, but if the group of you are able to find Clary's brother and take him down, Alec and Clary might just be saved. The honour of such a heroic act would be enough for the Clave to forgive them both -for not being able to help the way they were born, mind."
Izzy's tense and scared feeling was lost by a much more intense feeling.
The feeling she got when she was about to do something dangerous.
"I'm in. I'm sure Jace and Clary will be too. Simon and Magnus will be of help as well. Alec...I just hope he doesn't try to immediately go for him, considering what happened to Magnus."
Maryse smiled.
"That's my girl."
Isabelle smirked.
"Damn right I am."

"And I'm gonna bring this son of a bitch down if it's the last thing I ever fucking do."

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