why me?

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chapter 9

(ariana's point of view)

i don't know why but everything thing is going wrong,i mean first justin glares at me and i don't know why,then he storms off and doesn't hug me or nothing like the other times,and he start acting rude by pushing me off hurting me.Then i go to scooter's office and jai and scooter are figthing and i don't know why,or how it started,then scooter say they where haveing a 'little' talk and scooter said jai said and scooter quoted 'he doesn't care what scooter says or about me,only him',then jai calles me telling he's half of the story that he was saying who much he loves me,accusing me of cheating and telling everyone i cheated on him was the biggest mistake he ever did.You see what i mean now.....everything is falling apart like where about to have world war 3.

(justin's point of view)

when ariana walked in i was happy till i saw jai with her which got me mad,cuz i think i'm starting to love ariana,and i wasn't planning on being rude but my anger just got the best of me and i coudn't hold it in any more and i just flipped when scooter asked me what was going to be my first song for music monday and i looked at ariana and glared and stromed out quickly followed by ariana who some how knocking me down.....i mean come on i'm a giant compared to ariana who is like a little teady bear next to me....anyway back to what we where talking about,i didn't want to be rude to her but i just lost it and i wish i can tell her that about she probally with jai doing something.

(scooter's point of view)

ugggh i got three big problems,first jb is mad about something and i got to figure it out before he does something stupid,secound ariana is mad at me and jai about the fight we had in my office and i bet jai is calling her telling bad thing about me when i'm doing the same about jai which is driveing her crazy and that's not good,my third and probally my biggest problem i have right now jai...he might ruin jb's and ari's carrer just to get him and the janoskings in the top spot in the music world,and i can't let jb's and ari's carrer go down the drain while they sky rocket all because of jai.

(jai's point of view)

uggh now i got to find away to make ariana think i'm telling the truth and get her and jb's career in the drain....i mean sure i loved ariana but after she cheated and made me look bad when i told the thruth about her,mac,and nathan i won't ever forgave her for that,cuz i almost lost my carrer and the janoskings career,and i will get my revenge on her even if it means getting jb in so much trouble with ari everyone will forget about them and be fans of the janoskings.


this chapter is over and i should of told you i'm going to have jai as the bad person but don't worrie i don't really think that

bye love you all

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