Chapter Eight: A Speech From The Heart

Start from the beginning

Yes yes! See an untamed Semi-god is an extreme threat to society because they are abusing their powers without knowing at all. A rebel without a cause except in this case , you are his cause. You see he only ever uses these skills when they are somehow connected to you.

So that 's how I fit into this equation? You're using me to lure him into a tamed state of mind.  So you can what?

Recruit him of course! All we need is for the unsteady feelings in him to settle so he will be willing to cooperate!

So you're not going to kill me if I fail to settle his emotions.

Oh gods no I just need you to  not take all year to make this happen . We have lots of other semi's to recruit.

And if I get him to confess and you recruit him, I don't ever have to him again?

He will be long gone.

Why didn't you just say that? We could have been done with this days ago!

"Eli, are you ready?" The Principal asked waiting for me to say my big apology to Noah and the lgbtq+ community.
I sighed and nodded pulling out the flash cards I wrote with the guidance counselor this morning .
I walked out onto the big stage of the schools auditorium and was greeted by a crowd of booing teens.
Ignore them. Just ignore them.
The principal rushed on to stage and settled them gesturing for me to begin.
I placed the index cards on the podium and raised my head, squinting as the stage lights shined into them.
"My name is Elijah Felix Kind, and I am in the 11th grade." I recited stealing glances at my line below me.

"You suck!" A random student yelled and the crowd began to boo again, shouting more angry words at me.
I sighed and turned my index cards over. So I could no longer see the words.

" I know I suck!" I shouted into the microphone over the yelling crowd and the chattering lowered.
"I suck at being open! So instead of me telling you all a bunch of written crap, I'm gonna be open!" I took a deep breath and searched the crowd for only eyes I wanted to say this too.
Blake. Hazel. Zeke. And some other characters that are my friends that you have not been introduced to because they are honestly irrelevant.
"I'm gay." I proclaimed, half accepting everyone to gasp and whisper but instead someone yelled.
"Nobody cares!"
"Exactly! You're right! Nobody cares!" I agreed with a smile spreading on my face.

"Yet, I spent my high school years dating a girl I knew damn well I didn't love or even like! But you know why I did it?...because my friends influenced me to be something I wasn't." I locked eyes with Zeke.
" I mean you knew that though Zeke. That's why you thought it wouldn't be a big deal to sleep with her. And that's why I was so angry-also because I thought we were close enough to talk about- I was upset you would let me be this way. That you would let me lie to myself even if it affected the people around me. But you thought letting me do that would keep me safe from the truth I continued to deny. You were afraid I believed no one loves me like you love me"  I rephrased the words he said to me when he was trying to kiss me and Zeke nodded his head. "Now I understand and I... I'm gonna forgive you." My ring glowed and the black diamond shimmered sending a holographic image of the word Purgation

Very good Eli

I looked out into the crowd and continued to speak.
"I had this hole in my heart that Noah left, and I thought it would never be filled, but. All this time, it was. It was filled with the love I had around me. My friends who I thought never understood me - they did. They just didn't know if I understood me. And everyone around me could see my pain and how much it was killing me accept for me!" I searched the crowd again and glared at Noah.
"And you know damn well what you put me though. All I ever wanted was your undivided attention. So you made sure I'd never get it." He squirmed and played with his fingers.
"But that was my fault too. I was to naive. Too trusting and hopeful. I let you toy with me until you got bored. So my apologies. I'm so sorry, I was stupid enough to think you'd ever love me back."

God I wanna barf! I really think I'm gonna barf! You're so lucky I just want him out of my sight Cupid! Because dear god this is embarrassing.

Keep. Going. The guilt trip is going to be too much for him!

I swallowed my pride and continued to stab Noah with self-victimizing statements.

"I'm sorry I ever wanted you Or needed you too much. I'm sorry to all the Pride students I offended. I really didn't mean too drag anyone else into this.i should have been mature and handled this the right way. Instead I let my suppressed feelings get the best of me. And I'm truly sorry they bubbled over like that.
Thank you for listening."
I turned and walked off of stage and was followed by a roar of applause. Oh great, I hope this doesn't mean people will actually vote for me to be this years Cupid.

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