Starstruck Chapter 11. Reason

Start from the beginning

I was confused as hell and felt like a complete mess. “Why are you here baby?” I asked. “This is a hallucination right?” She didn’t answer and fixed the pillow behind me so I could sit comfortably. I touched her face with my right hand when she leaned in. “Since I’m hallucinating anyway I’ll tell you exactly what I think of you.”

Glace’s illusion stopped moving and stared at me with wide eyes. I continued speaking. “I have this huge crush on you and I’m secretly hoping that you’d get over your first love and just go for me.” I cleared my throat which was very painful at the moment. “No it’s not simply a crush. I’m falling for you and I hate how vulnerable I feel because of that.”

“You’re beautiful, amazing, and all the great adjectives in dictionary. But I also hate how you never notice my feelings for you. You’re a very stupid girl Glace McKenzie but I still like you no matter what.”

My eyes closed on its own and I soon fell asleep. It was already morning when I woke up for real. Someone breathed gently beside me which made me froze in place. What the heck? I imagined Jason from Friday the 13th and gasped. Oh God. My head slowly turned and I saw Glace sleeping soundly on my left. I relaxed immediately.

When did she get here? I glanced around the room and noticed a black duffel bag sitting on the floor. Whose bag was that? A scan on my body revealed that I was wearing different set of clothes from what I had the other day.

Let me rephrase that. A glance downward revealed that I was wearing a different shirt but no pants or shorts whatsoever. She changed me. Again. I groaned to myself. How many times would she have to see me in my underwear? It was really getting out of hand. My dignity went out the window.

I plopped back on the bed and just stayed there until she stirred awake. “You’re up already,” she murmured before sitting up and sliding out of the bed. Her absence made me cold and I shivered. She noticed me trembling and covered my body with the comforter. “Want me to increase the temperature from the heater?” she asked.

I shook my head. “When did you get here?”

“Last night. You were absent in school so I asked the teacher why. When he told me that you were sick, I came here.” She shrugged and reached for a hair tie that was placed on my table to the right.

“How did you get in?” I asked with a hint of suspicion.

She smiled and brushed a stray hair away from her face. “I asked the neighbor nicely if she knew where the key was.”

I rolled my eyes. Of course the neighbor would tell her. She was freaking Frio the celebrity. “You’re in your underwear again,” I said sourly.

“I already told you that I sleep in the nude. I actually did you a favor by not removing everything.” She smirked and leaned over me. I noticed her cleavage and looked away shyly. “You don’t remember saying anything last night?”

“What are you talking about?” I replied indignantly.

“Nothing,” she mumbled and stood up straight. “What do you want for breakfast Dulce? Soup? Chowder? I’ll try to make anything for you.”

I turned to her and scanned her body with my eyes. “You’re going to cook in that black skimpy lace?”

“Judging from your smart mouth, you’re already getting well,” she said with satisfaction and walked to me. She tried to feel my forehead with her palm and frowned. “But you still have a fever so let’s work by getting that down.” She headed to the direction of the duffel bag and rummaged through its contents.

When she finally found what she was looking for, she smiled in satisfaction and quickly wore the blue silk bathrobe. “Tell you what,” she said. “If you still have fever by the end of the day, I’ll sleep beside you completely nude and embrace you while we sleep.”

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