Chapter 2

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3 hours later after practice

Gaku wasted no time asking Ryu about you. "Ryu, I need to talk to you about Y/N. It's important." Gaku said.

Ryu gave him a small look of confusion. "Um.. A-Alright.." He said. He put his stuff away in his bag and let Gaku take him into a corner of the room.

"Okay listen. I know you and Y/N are friends. I need your help. I want to ask him on a date but I don't know if he would even be interested. Can you please find out if he likes me or something?" Gaku said. He was desperate to get to know you.

"You like Y/N!?" Ryu said loudly. He immediately covered his mouth with his hands and looked over at you and Tenn.

Gaku's face was bright red as he stared at Ryu. He had hoped by some miracle that you hadn't heard what Ryu said.

"So, where are you and Ryu going out to eat?" Tenn asked you, debating on whether he wanted to join or not.

"There's this cool Ramen place just down the street. They have amazing food and the flavor choices are endless." You said smiling.

"I don't think they heard.." Ryu said.

Gaku's face fell and he relaxed. He sighed. "So, do you think you can do this for me?"

"Ryu, are you ready to go?" You asked as you put your practice clothes away in your practice bag.

"Yeah. just give me a few minutes. I'll be right there." Ryu said. Ryu put his fingers on his temple and thought for a quick moment. He looked back at Gaku and smiled half heartedly. "I'll see what I can do." was all he said.

Gaku smiled slightly and gave a bow to Ryu. "Thank you so much. I owe you one." He said.

Ryu let out a sigh and both boys walked back over to you and Tenn as if nothing had ever happened. "I'm ready, Y/N." Ryu said, smiling. 

"Alright. Is it okay if Tenn comes with?" You asked. 

"Oh, sure! Better yet, why don't we all go out and eat together!" Ryu said excitedly.

"Yeah, let's do that! it would be a great way for me to get to know Tenn and Gaku better." You said smiling. After talking a little bit with Tenn, you realized that he wasn't that bad of a guy. He just had a bad habit of being a nag to Gaku. 

"Great! Let's go, I'm starving" Tenn said. You laughed a little at Tenn's urgency to leave.

You and the boys began walking out of Yaotamo Production building and headed towards Ichiruka Ramen Shop. The shop was only about a 5 minute walk from the production building.

The wall to the Ramen shop was very quiet. No one really knew what to say. 'thank goodness it's only 5 minutes away..' You thought to yourself.

"This is it." You said as the four of you stopped in front of a light peach colored building.

"It looks plain and boring." Tenn said.

"Well yeah, but their food is AMAZING! Trust me. You'll love it." You said, smiling excitedly.

Gaku smiled to himself at the sight of seeing you being happy. 'hes got such a great smile..' Gaku thought to himself. Gaku was nervous. He didn't want to be straight forward with you, but he also didn't want to just shy away from you and seem uninterested.

You and the boys went inside and sat down at a boothe. Ryu was to your left and Tenn was to your Right. You had hoped that Gaku would have tried to sit next to you.

You glanced over at Gaku and smiled a little. You had wished it was just you and him but this was the best it was going to get. You picked up a menu and scanned it quickly.  You decided pretty quickly on what you wanted and sat the menu back down on the table.

"Y/N. How is their Pork Beef Rice Ramen?" Tenn asked.

"It's great! The combination of the pork and beef really brings out the flavor of the ramen." You said. You always visited this shop every chance you got. It was your favorite place in the whole world.

"I think I'll try the Vegetable Ramen." Ryu said.

"You don't eat meat, Ryu!?" You asked.

"No I do, I just thought I'd try something  new." He replied with a smile.

You nodded your head and looked at Gaku. He obviously hadn't chosen what he wanted yet, considering the focused look he had on his face.

"A little tip, Gaku. The Chicken Shrimp Rice Ramen is to die for. I think you'd enjoy it" You suggested to Gaku. He smiled at you. "Thanks Y/N. I'll take your word for it." He said.

A few minutes later, the waiter took you and the other three boys' order. Once everyone had ordered, the waiter walked away.

"So Y/N, I heard from Manager-san that you left Tsukipro Production's because you got into a fight with one of your members." Tenn said. He had read up in the tabloids about you and why you decided to leave your previous company. Though the tabloids aren't always true, Tenn couldn't help but wonder what actually happened.

"Ah. So I see you read the tabloids. Hah. Well they're liars. I never left Tsukipro Productions because of a fight. I left because my ex-boyfriend threatened to harm my members and myself if I didn't leave." You said, getting a little angry.

"Who is your ex-boyfriend?" Gaku asked.

"Yoshiro, Tomarui. He's a writer for the tabloids, so it's no surprise that he would write that about me." You said, laughing a little. Tomarui pissed you off so much, it made your blood boil.

"But why would he threaten you and your old members?" Gaku asked. He was finding himself getting a little angry. 'that dare he try to hurt Y/N' Gaku thought to himself.

"Because he kept being paranoid. He thought I was cheating on him with Rikka. Which never even happened because Rikka and Shiki are together." You said.

Imediately after you had spoken, the waiter was at the table side with the food.

You and the boys thanked him for the food before he walked away.

"Let's eat guys!" You said as you dove right into your meal.

The boys nodded and began to eat.

IDOLiSH7 Gaku x TransMale ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now