The following weeks

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The next weeks showed me that it's definitely nothing to laugh about,it seemed like that guy had an obsession with me.Every single day I received a new letter,sometimes a strange poem or a love letter but on other days I only received pictures,pictures of me in an envelope...even when I took a shower,he never left me alone.You probably think why didn't she go to the police? Because I wasn't allowed to,he told me that he'd kill my loved ones if I do so.With the time I got really terrified,I wanted my normal life back but I didn't know how I could get it back.What would you have done in my situation? Would you have called the police? Would you have told anyone about it? I didn't because I didn't want anyone to be killed because of me.I've had the worst nightmares in that time,I started feeling worse with every new day...I searched for informations and I found out that this already happened to more women in the past and you know what happened to them? They...They've been killed....when I read this...I couldn't believe it,tears were streaming down my cheeks,I wanted someone to help me but how? It simply wasn't possible.I've been so damn young...I never really had the chance to live my life because of him...

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