Battle!! Margo vs Sir Aaron!!

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Both trainers are on their position with their pokemon in front of them, ready to battle.

"I'm not going to lose, for the sake of this town." Zeraora said with full effort to Lucario.

Lucario smirks as they said. "Well I'm not going to show my uncool side in front of Sir Aaron."

Sir Aaron raised one of his arms. "Now... let the battle..."

Margo and Zeraora stares sharply at their opponent as Lucario do the same thing. "Begins!!"

"Zeraora!! Use thunderbolt!!" Margo commands, then Zeraora let out a strong thinderbolt towards Lucario.

"Lucario!! Dodge!!" They dodges but got hit a bit but only did a little damage on their leg. "Close one."

"Lucario!! Use aura sphere!!" Sir Aaron commanded, then Lucario shots two aura speher towards Zeraora.

"Zeraora!! Use electro ball!!" When he heard that, he uses electro ball at the aura sphere.

Both attack collides at each other, creating a shockwave in the middle of the fight.

After the shockwave wears off, Zeraora rushes towards Lucario as Margo commands. "Zeraora!! Use thunder punch!!"

Then Zeraora rappidly punches Lucario then end it with an uppercut. "Lucario!!" Sir Aaron shouted.

But Lucario manage to land safely on the ground. "Almost." They mumbled.

It was come to an idea for Sir Aaron to use the move he teaches Lucario far before the battle started.

"Lucario!! Use double team barrage!!" Lucario rushes towards Zeraora and uses double team, but the double team was more than just a regular move.

All of the clones are multiplying into more than a thousand, and they all sorrounded Zeraora.

"Now!!" All of the Lucario clones jump but there are two clones that rushes towards Zeraora. He and Margo didn't notice the two clones since he was focusing at the clones that are jumping up above him.

Then the two clones kick Zeraora up into the air then all of the clones fall down towards Zeraora.

They rapidly giving him some punches at Zeraora before he fall down to the ground, leaving crater below him. "Zeraora!!" Margo shouted.

"It looks like it's almost over." Said Sir Aaron as all of the clones dissappeared, leaving the real Lucario standing in front of him.

But then Zeraora slowly stands up on the crater with a lot of bruises around his body, he panted heavily but grin like it was nothing.

"Yay Zeraora!!" Margo cheered happily, Sir Aaron shrugs as he smiles. "Wow, he's a strong one after all."

Zeraora wipes his chin with his arm as he prepares to attack, he waits for Margo's command.

Margo notice as she command. "Zeraora!! Use thunder!!"

Zeraora strike out a powerful thunder towards Lucario, but they manage to dodge it before they get hit.

"Now!! Tackle!!" Zeraora jumps up at where Lucario is as he tackles them down to the ground.

But Zeraora notice something when he tackles Lucario, he can feel that they have small breasts.

This was come to a conclusion in Zeraora's mind that the Lucario is actually a girl.

The two pokemon blushes madly then Zeraora jumps away, the moment startled Margo. "Zeraora? What are you doing?"

Sir Aaron just chuckle. "I can see that your Zeraora found out about my Lucario's gender."

"Gender? What do you mean by that?"

"My Lucario is actually a girl."

Margo eyes widen in amusement. "Wow, I never knew that."

But Zeraora has the different feeling, he is embarrased. He never knew and feeling stupid about what he have done. He then got up with a blush of embarrased on his face.

"Well it looks like it's our turn." Sir Aaron stated. "Lucario!! Use aura storm!!"

Lucario jump up into the sky as she gathers all of his aura in her paws and strike it down towards Zeraora.

But Zeraora quickly dodges the aura storm but his side body got hit a bit, giving half damage on him.

"Well, he's a strong one of course." Sir Aaron said with a smile.

"That's nothing, now for the final blow..." Margo smirks as she command. "Zeraora!! Use Godspeed!!"

Zeraora started glowing blue with some sparks covering him, then he dissappered in a flash, leaving some footprints with some spraks.

Lucario look around to find Zeraora, but then he appeares in front of her and shots a sprak on her chest then he dissappeared. "So fast!!" Sir Aaron exclaimed.

Then Zeraora appeared besides Lucario and kick her side ways with his leg covered in thunder.

He then dissappeared then reappeared behind her then in front of her just to blast some sparks at Lucario.

Zeraora dissappeared again but then some straight thunder lines appeared around Lucario, hitting her rapidly.

Then Zeraora appeared again facing his back afterwards, leaving Lucario falling down from the attack to the ground.

But before she hit the ground, Zeraora appeared in front of Lucario and blasted another thunder at her chest and send her away in front of Sir Aaron. "Lucario!!"

Lucario fell down after taking so many damages and he couldn't move afterwards.

While Zeraora reappeared in front of Margo again as he stops glowing, then he fall on his knees and panted heavily due to how many power he used up.

Sir Aaron sighs as he look at his opponent. "We admit defeat, we'll come with you."

Margo jumping around happily as she smiles happily. "Hooray!! Finally!!"

"But... is there any place to heal both of our Pokémon?" Sir Aaron asked.

Margo nodded. "Of course there is, but after that, can we meet up with my Dad?"

Sir Aaron nodded. "Well of course, we'll be happy to."

"Alright!! Then follow me!!"

Margo grabbed Zeraora's paw and brought him out of the forest with Sir Aaron lifting his Lucario on his back.

To be continued...

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