Chapter 2

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     The slender woman with a handsome face, pale skin and ginger hair pulled back into a bun eyed her audience enigmatically from a large monitor suspended above the stage. She furrowed her eyebrows slightly and seemed to be preoccupied with something. The students stared back at her from rows of tiered mahogany desks engraved in gold with the symbol of a rising, crowned phoenix. This symbol was ubiquitous in Caelum, the country on a continental plateau, and represented Princess Allumina: the Eternal Divine Monarch.

Unable to do or say anything to break the awkward silence stretching for five minutes now, the students gazed at each other quizzically. Suddenly, her gaze refocused, her eyebrows lost their previous tension and she spoke:

"In the sea of incessant change that is life, there are a few harbors you can anchor at when the waves become too turbulent: Caelum, family, friends and knowledge. As you enter these new waters this morning, I want you to remember and embrace this essential truth." She was elegantly dressed in a traditional silk dress of fall colors, and the top of her head was adorned with a gold crown studded with rubies. She paused for a moment and went on:

"During the span of these upcoming nine months, you will review everything you've been taught for the past eight years and finalize your journey toward becoming full fledged Guardians by picking a role that suits your talents best. However, it is not enough to simply choose a path—you must prove yourselves worthy of the responsibility you wish to undertake. You will undergo both written and practical tests to determine whether you qualify for positions in engineering, matter preservation, navigation, healing, communication and piloting. Those who do not will be assigned regular squad positions. We will hold competitive events throughout the year to rank classes according to their performance, and members of the highest ranking class will receive additional promotions on top of being prioritized for positions of choice." A murmur ran across the auditorium.

"Finally, to better facilitate cooperation and order, each class will elect a leader one week from today to lead the class in various activities and represent it in the student government. Do not waver in the face of difficulty, keep Caelum in your hearts and lead your country to a better future. In celebration of this initiation ceremony of the year 716, I will sing our national anthem." Students shifted stiffly in their seats, and a familiar melody filled the auditorium.

"In a muddy field that stretches out under a dark canopy of the sky,

I gaze up to find some traces of light,

but only lightning greets me with its remorseless glances,

at least my shame is obscured by the endless raindrops.

The wind tears all to pieces and the sea rages from side to side,

my heart swells with one wish only,

to see this land grow golden with harvest,

and with that earnest wish I raise my hand up to the sky.

That dark canopy in the sky, that raging sea, this relentless wind, they all cower away in an instant and,

Love sails through the sea,

Love soars through the sky,

Love stands next to me,

Love stretches as far as my eyes can see, we are free."

Princess Allumina sang this song in an ancient language no one spoke, but everyone knew the meaning of the words because they were tested on the anthem every year for the past eight years. The students broke out in applause when the music faded.

"Classes start in less than fifteen minutes. If you have not figured out where your classes are located, consult the guidance office in the lobby of the Principium. I look forward to your accomplishments," she smiled at them warmly.

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