Im hurting because you're hurting

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Warning: depression, self harm, drinking, vulgar language and abuse of alcohol, and physical, mental abuse.

No ones POV
One thing Stephen Strange hated was when his lover, Tony Stark, drank 24/7. The man was drunk on the daily and over time it strained a relationship, their relationship. When Strange met Stark, two worlds collided and formed one, a better one. It was more stronger, and the love that they winded up feeling for one another grew, very much like a honeymoon. But like a honeymoon, it has an ending. Stephen had been in a relationship with Stark, long enough to know everything about him. The two were in their own loop of their secrets and personal obstacles, including their guilty pleasures. And no, not sexual pleasures. It was something irresistible, an addiction. One of Tony's guilty pleasures was the alcohol. Tony stopped drinking for a period of time, but after the drama with bringing society back together again, his stress was overwhelming and he could no longer take it. Tony had Stephen, he loves him deeply, but he didn't want to tell him what went on in his mind, the nightmares he never talked about, the fears he had, the anxiety attacks, he didn't want to bother his lover with it, so he kept quiet. Yes, Tony loves The sorcerer supreme, but Tony has a hard time distinguishing people when he's intoxicated. Not to mention the emotions he conceals on the daily basis unravel from his mind and one person he took it out on was his own lover. He didn't mean to, and luckily Stephen knew that, but even sorcerer supremes have their limits.

Stephens POV
I sighed as I heard the stumbling in the living room. He's drunk again. Don't get me wrong, I love Tony, I really do, I love his smile, the way he can stay focused when he's really invested in his work, his passion, his care for the spider kid, the fact that he houses every avenger, overall he's a good person, high ego but still cares about others. He puts them before himself. But I hate when he drinks. I wish he'd tell me what is wrong with him, but I get that he doesn't want to. Tony stumbled into the room and threw his empty bottle at me, I used my magic to keep it from hitting me. " you should have let me hit you strange." Tony slurred. I hated drunk tony, I hated him so much. I wish he were sober. Over the past months I've learned to deal with how he gets, but it's not a good way of coping. " I thought you cared about me." Tony looked taken aback and slapped me across the face. " dumbass I do care about you, don't ever say I don't okay! Because I do." He slurred. " rolled my eyes and ignored the stinging sensation on my cheek. I made a portal to his lab since he was going there, which to my opinion I think is a bad idea going drunk, but I didn't say anything or he'd get even more violent. He grabbed his things and was tossing them around when he accidentally sat on the cloak of levitation and in anger the cloak pushed him off of it and he thought it was me and began fuming. He got close to me and was about to hit me with the wrench when the cloak wrapped itself around his hands to stop him. " wha- hey let go of me! Strange, your stupid cape is being obnoxious again!" The cloak, offended got itself off and flew away. He looked at me in anger and gripped my shoulders. " it's always you that's the problem, you are the reason I'm miserable. I'm tired of you. You always piss me off. Get the fuck out of my lab, now." I didn't argue with him and just left. I wasn't going to lie, what he said hurt me, I knew he didn't mean it but I can't help feel what he said. why are you putting up with this? I thought. I knew very well I could leave him if I wanted to. But love is complicated even though I knew he was toxic for me when he got drunk. He changed me. It's not his fault it's mine. I thought and walked to my room. Well our room. I searched around the drawers to find what I was looking for. Yes! I said as I looked at the utility knife in the drawer. I used an invisibility spell to hide but only I could see it. Tony never got anything from this drawer anyways. I took it and went into the mirror dimension where I'd go on the daily bases when I wanted to get away from him. I rolled up the shirt I had on and noticed that I was running out of places to slice my skin, so I decided it was time. I went over the wounds that were mildly fresh, about two days old vertically. Wincing at the pain I thought, I deserve it, I deserve it, I deserve it. The blood was dripping from my wrist and I didn't care. It hurt like hell but I deserve it. I got tired of slicing up my arm and did the next one. Nobody could stop me. When I had enough I got out of the mirror dimension and hid my knife back in the drawer. I went to the lab to check on tony and found him passed out on the floor. I rolled my eyes and picked him up ignoring the shooting pain on my wrist. I gently laid him on the bed and he rolled in a way that caused my wounds to open and I bit my lip to stop myself from screaming. This is fine. I was really tired so I left the shirt on him and took his shoes off and jeans, then I got some pain killers and a water bottle for him. I was really tired so I laid next to him and closed my eyes.

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