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After I had the best time with Maya...yet I headed to drama where I found Lucas, Farkle, Rowan, Sarah, Andrew, Stephen, Kiskins, and Andy we sat down as Farkle came beside me " hey...I'm going to be Romeo! " he says smirking Ethan got confused but ignored it

" Maya! Will be Juliet!.." He says as he didn't spot Maya she comes in late as she looked at everyone " dang mcurdy soda truck got my attention! " she says looking at Ethan

" for Rome--"

Farkle cuts him off

" Me! Me! " he wanted to go back with Maya

" uh...What about you Ethan?.."

Ethan got confused as he said his name he wasn't sure if he should be happy or sad he got up

" Yeah alright.." He says smiling and looking at the script as the bell rang

" Aw! Well class next week we will learn our lines.."

Ethan walked out as it was home time he went outside as Lucas gave him a letter " Come Over! Were having friends night " as Ethan smiled

" sure.." He didn't know him as much

As he skateboarded down to his house

" let's hope I become the popular type "

" Ethan! " Maya says smiling at him and walking beside him

" Hey Maya! Your here?.."

" Yeah! I got invited " she smiled at him

" Me too.." He says smiling as he put his skateboard in the shack going I side as Lucas came

" what's up! Guys.." Ethan smiled

" can we go to a place where we can chill?.."

" yeah! We already have one we were waiting for you two.," as he smiled

" alright.." He says walking up to te room finding Rowan, Sarah, Farkle, Stephen, Smackle,

" Hi?.." As he says sitting down in a circle

" Since were all sitting here truth or dare?! " they all agree as Rowan says

" Okay! Ethan you go first! "

" alright...truth or dare Smackle?.."

" dare!.." Smackle says smiling

" I dare you two..kiss Farkle?.."

" easy! " she got up kissing him hard

" wow.."

" truth or dare..Maya! "

" dare "

" I dare you to kiss the prettiest boy in the room! "

" okay.." Maya walked to Lucas and kissed him

Ethan frowned

" I have to go..sorry.." He says walking out feeling angry as he forgot his skateboard seeing Maya walk out

" Ethan! I'm sorry....i was scared "

" of what?..scared of me?! " he says walking farther away

" Ethan...truth is..I think we are not meant to be together.."

Ethan frowns and tears run down his face quickly

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