Golden Imagins

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Ethan left class as other kids did he seen Maya walk by he smiled as she walked by her locker which was beside Ethan's

" H-Hi.." He smiled at her as he looked at her nice blue eyes

" Hey Ethan.." She smiled she blushed at him eyeballing him

" What's up?.. " as he was interrupted by Farkle as he walked to Maya

" Hey babe .." He kissed her

Ethan frowns and walked away as he goes to the washroom " Fucking..Farkle.." He says pulling out a switchblade stabbing it in the wall and going out as he walked to the cafeteria he grabbed his food and walked down the little hallways as a kid named 'Andrew' tripped him Ethan fell face first causing him to bleed as Maya, Farkle, Lucas, Sarah get up and look at him as the kids get around him he got up walking over to him and making a fist punching his face with his now bruised knuckle kicking his private as the kids looking scared

" touch me again I'll blind you "

He says walking out of the way going go the washrooms and washing him self up seeing Farkle come in 'That was awe--" Ethan pushed him against a wall

" leave Maya alone freak "

" o-okay! O-Kay!.. " he cried because he wasn't strong Ethan felt sorry

" I'm sorry man.." He says helping him up and seeing him leave as Ethan walked out as an intercom went off " Ethan Cutkosky and Andrew Grimes come to the office please " he sighed and walked to the office he sees Andrew " hey shit face " Ethan chuckled as he walks in " Yeah?.."

" Young Man! You gave Andrew a bruised forehead! You have one more warning! Do you want to be expelled?! "

No..I'm sorry "

" do you want to speak up?.."


" good YOu can leave "

Ethan left as Maya walked by him " Hey..I think that kid deserves it.."

Ethan smiled " y-yeah...he's a jerk! "

" yup...anyways..your single?..I mean ..nevermimd "

Ethan smiled and blushed "u-uh yeah .."

Maya blushed slightly And nodded " see you later " she bit his lip

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