Had a Bad Day - One Shot

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Welcome to your birthday present, Evie :) seeing as you live in a different country and I can't send anything over, I thought why not write something for you instead :) I was gonna upload them separately (a one shot and a sneak peek) but I'll include them in here anyway :) Fan Girls is in fact a sneak peek and I will be working on that as a story :)

Thanks for being there for me Evie, I don't want to go on too much because then I'll get all emotional and I'll start to blab on but I just wanna say thank you :) we have so much in common, I always get tjis weird feeling that we were separated at birth or something, hahaha...that wouldn't work, I know, but it feels that way! Anyway, I can speak to you about a lot of stuff that bothers me and you don't judge; it's something I've always wanted in a friend and I'm grateful I know you :) we also fan girl out together a lot...that's always fun :)

I hope you enjoy Evie and I hope you have a good day! I'll be off to dream of Mata again...I meaaaaaaaaaan do my homework :P

We'll get Hendo and Kells one day when you come over to Liverpool, don't worry ;) xxx


Evie's One Shot :)

I’ll roundhouse kick a bitch if y’all don’t get out of my way now. These were my thoughts as I zigzagged through the crowded city centre of Liverpool on my way home from work on a stormy and blustery day. I mean, I was used to big crowds like this back in Houston but they usually didn’t bother me that much. However today, I had been extra ticked off at work which made the crowds harder to handle.

I worked the job because I needed the money, and even then it was poor. Okay, I didn’t need the money; I just preferred to have something in my pocket rather than to sponge off Martin. Today at work though, I was given the old ladies. I know, it’s worse than it sounds, believe me! I’m a personal shopper at M&S, you see. I got the job because I was interested in fashion and, I guess it’s okay, but there are times where I hate it…like today! Usually I’m given the younger women and men to style and help buy a new wardrobe, sometimes the middle aged customers, but today I was given old people…and I had to help them buy underwear…

The reason why I was pissed off was because I’m not paid to do that! I don’t even know what to do in those situations! It was awkward as hell as well! I complained to my supervisor yet she didn’t give shit. She never does. Even though she specifically told me when I was hired that I’d be dealing with younger customers…those words went out the window, obviously!

Slamming my car door with a bang, I rested my head on the steering wheel and let out a humongous sigh. Hopefully when I arrived back home, Martin would be there waiting for me topless whilst baking cake in the kitchen…a girl can dream…

 With delicious thoughts of Martin swarming my brain, I made it home in less than 20 minutes, despite the traffic being a little bitch. It didn’t piss me off even more though, I had Martin on the brain and it was turning my melancholy into delight.

I pulled up on our driveway next to Martin’s glossy black Range Rover and grabbed my bag from the passenger side. I then raced from my car door to the front door, opened it enthusiastically and squealed quietly once I was in there. “Yo, Kells! You here, bro?”

I knew he was in the house because his keys were in the pot on the table by the door. It’s how we knew one another was home; I’d made that a routine thing ever since I’d moved in with him. I was always so happy to see his smiling face every day I got home from work.

“Yvette?” Martin called from somewhere within our terrace house.

“I’m home!”

“I’m in the kitchen,” was Martin’s reply. He was definitely half naked baking cake, I just knew it.

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