Start from the beginning

"I have done everything to protect you from him. Dodged every call and advance towards me. You have no idea how many times he has attempted to come after you! I've tried to be a good mother to you Iris but, I'm not perfect I've made mistakes. I have done everything and anything to make sure your life is successful and you can't deny that. All I'm asking for is a second chance."

"I'll go with you but, I have to see Bryson."

"He's here, Zo said he just touched down in France not too long ago. You said he had a show tomorrow right?" Iris nods her head and walks to the front door: Aleena was on her trail, following right behind her. "I'll get the keys."

"No, I don't want you to kill him we have to talk, whether you like it or not he's still my fiancé D." Iris puts her pumps on at the entrance, she holds onto the doorframe while looking at Dmitri. He grabs the keys anyway and swooshes past Iris, she sighs and stares up at the ceiling annoyingly. "Are you coming?" Iris arches her eyebrows at Aleena, she nods quickly and walks outside also.

𝟣𝟣:𝟣𝟢 𝖯𝖬

Iris took Dmitri's phone, she dialed Bryson's number by memory and placed the device against her ear. He surprisingly answered, she could tell he was on the verge of cussing out who he thought was Dmitri on the phone but, she stopped him with her delicate voice. Dmitri kept taking subtle glances at Iris as she talked, his hands squeeze the steering wheel. She hangs up minutes later and hands him his cellphone back: he looks at her, waiting for her directions.

"He's staying in a hotel by the Eiffel Tower called La Vie, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. Remember that promise I wanted you to keep? This is it right here." Dmitri makes a left turn, he clenches his jaw: he could feel Iris's eyes burning through him like fire. He pulls up to the building and unbuckles his seatbelt. Iris slaps her hand on his chest, he stops moving and looks at her. "Stop ignoring me like I'm not here."

"You want me to leave you alone when you're pregnant with my fucking child?!" Iris sighs and gets out of the car, Dmitri does the same. Aleena sat in the back completely shocked at the fact that her daughter was pregnant once again. Iris steps in front of Dmitri to prevent him from walking away.

"If this child survives-"

"It will stop thinking like that."

"I have no choice but to think like that when I've lost so many!" His tongue clicks off the roof of his mouth: Dmitri could see that she was highly upset, it was only a matter of seconds until hot tears begin to coat her face. "I don't want to think like this but I have t-to." His hands land on her waist, he draws her into his chest and she clings onto him.

"Okay... okay I'll pick up the baby every once in a while and leave you and- you and him alone." Iris squeezes him tightly: she wipes her tears away and leans back as his arms are still around her waist. He didn't want to have to go through another co-parenting situation, this time him and Iris had a beautiful reason to be together. But, she wanted him and he had to accept it.

"Thank you."

"Iris." She turns around swiftly, Bryson stands there with a gun in his hand: it was situated by his side, his cheeks were wet from tears and his eyes looked lost. "You're pregnant by him." She tilts her head and stares at him wistfully, Iris was about to walk up to Bryson but Dmitri catches her hand. She proceeds to go up to him, Iris intertwines their fingers and presses her lips on his.

"Bryson, I'm sorry. Please, put the gun down." Iris's fingers grab his wrist, she attempts to take the weapon but he aims it at Dmitri instead. "No, stop! Look at me." She moves his face towards her, his eyes gaze right through her.

"He's supposed to be dead: I did not join your brother so he could be standing in front of me right now, breathing."

"What?" Iris moves back, her eyes scanning all over Bryson's face. She felt a sickly feeling rushing through her stomach and overtaking her throat. "How could you do this?!"

"You didn't think I find out that you're pregnant? Iris, I've been knowing since two months ago! You left some of your tests out. I knew it wasn't me because I've been wrapping my shit up, you telling me that you slept with him told me everything I needed to know."

"I don't understand why you're working with him."

"I had to do something about it: I had to kill this motherfucker but, I couldn't do it alone. There's no way I would've reached him by myself so, I found your brother and Liam and we made a deal. I tell him where you are, I give him information about you and he helps me kill Dmitri. The plan backfired when he took you with him but, this time, we're going to move on with our lives and you never have to worry about him again."

"We're done and I mean it this time." Iris wipes her cheeks of any strait tears, Bryson grips her arm and she whimpers. "Get off of me."

"I love you and I'd do anything for you Iris. We're even now if you think about it."

"So what? You're telling me that you did this so we could get even? Is that what you're saying?! You're a bitch ass nigga and I wish I never met you." Bryson's eyes were low and filled with anger, she yanks herself out of his grip. He reaches for her again and Iris smacks him on the cheek. The sound echoed around them, it took everything in Dmitri's power to not run over and help her. "Don't fucking touch me! I said we're done."

"No, we're not, I'm not going to let you walk out of my life again. I want you and you- you want me."

"What I want is Dmitri." Iris walks back to the car, her solemn eyes are on D. The look on his face held sympathy, he was ready to comfort her and take her body into his arms. "Can you please take me home?" Bryson straightens his aim on Dmitri, he was heartbroken but, he had never been more certain about killing someone until now. Iris hears the gun fire off, she instantly jumps into Dmitri's arms. Her unsteady breath hits his neck and her hands grip his shoulders.

She leans back staring at his face that was flooded with horror, blood suddenly spills from her mouth. The world surrounding her became fuzzy, she was struggling to keep her eyes open. Dmitri slides them down to the ground one of his hands hold onto the side of her neck. "Iris, fuck, Iris!"

He was shaking tremendously, he had never been so afraid in his life. Her eyes shut and his heart filled with dread, Dmitri shakes her and she becomes conscious again. "No no no no no, you have to stay awake okay? You have to fight, you have to be strong right now: I know you're strong." Her eyes were empty, she gazes up at the blue sky and immediately finds comfort in it.

On to the next.

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