"Um yeah.I was only gone for three weeks",I said.

"You left all the work for me do",she said.

"Now you know my life",I said sarcastically.

"Welcome back Mistress (Y/N)",Star said as she flew over with Flappper,Winter,and BurningFlame.

"Oh hey guys!I was starting to think your forgot about me",I said.

"We would never forget our protector",Winter said.

"Someone is here to see you",BurningFlame said.


She stepped aside to have Jim standing behind her.

"Jim!",I yelled and I crushed him In a big hug.

"Hey D,How was summer camp?",He asked.

"It was fun without all the responsibilities to be a protector for awhile",I said.

"At least you had a break",he said.

"What do you mean?"

He grabbed my arm and pulled me over to the side.

"While you where gone,we found a new enemy",he said.

"What?who?",I asked.

"His name is Angor Rot and I have a pretty good feeling about who brought him into Arcadia",he said.

"Strickler",I said.

He nodded."The only way to stop him is if we join forces again",he said.

"Is he that strong?"

"Almost as strong as Bular",he muttered.

"Alright,who all knows?"

"Everyone but the dragons",he said.

I nodded."I'll talk to Winter about it"

"Thanks D"

We walked back to where the gang."What happened over there?",Hannah asked.

"I'll tell you later.Right now,lets enjoy the time we have together",I said.


"I think it's time we leave",I said as Hannah walked over I me.

"I agree.Its almost noon and I'm starving",she said.

"Of course you are",I said.

"Yes,we will see you later tonight",Winter said

"Alright,Bye guys",I said.

Jim and Hannah got on the hover board while I used my wings.

As we were flying,some kind of green blade was thrown in front of me.

"What the heck?",I stopped and turned around.

Before Hannah could say anything,the blade came back as a boomerang and hit my armor.

The Dragon Hunter: A New Threat  (Book 2 in series)Where stories live. Discover now