part 1 should i or should i not?

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So does he still love her hmm, he days he loves me and over her but is it true, just by seeing that she can't stay away from him does he feel the are way. If he does should I continue loving him but leave him alone, maybe that will be the best for everyone. But there is another idea, I shouldn't care about her and just continue the life I was living with him before she even came back, yea I think that's a good idea. Isn't this such a complicated situation, I know I can't stay away from him because I love him too much but I have to make up my mind really fast before I regret it. Time is not going to be waiting on me. But one advice that my best friend Shawnika said is that you always have to talk about your feelings with the one you truly love. If anything changes with his ex and leaves him alone that means he took it in his own matters and that he actually considers your feelings. But if nothing changes that means he don't and you will probably will have to move on with life and consider about you guys. Finally, you know he has been the sweatiest guy on earth to you even though you guys had problems once in a while , otherwise than everything with his ex he is perfect for you but just don't ruin this decision because it might be the only time you are going  to be with him.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 12, 2014 ⏰

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What should i do?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ