Chapter 24 New Job?

Start from the beginning

We went to my room and sat on my bed. I was fiddling with my thumbs in my lap, waiting for Mrs. Curtis to say something. Finally, she broke the silence. "I over heard what you and Darry were talking about last night. Honey, you know Darry is right, right?" I nodded, and waited for her to continue. "I know everything is going to be hard and challenging now since that situation happened. But, I believe in you, just promise me something, ok?" I nodded once again. "Take care of the gang for me, I saw your future's and everything is going to get rough. But with your guidance, you guys will make I through it, together."

I smiled and hugged her tightly. "Don't worry, I promise I will take care of them. I won't fail you." We broke and away and went back downstairs into the living room where now everyone was at. "We have to go guys, but we'll visit soon, with your parents next time, Y/n." Mr. Curtis announced and I just nodded at him. And they left. I looked at the clock, it was now 8:05.

"C'mon Johnny, might as well start walking to school." Pony got up and started heading towards the door. Johnny got up and went to me. He kissed me on the cheek and we said our quick I love you's to each other then they left.

"Alright you 2, let's get going before we all be late for work." Darry was ordering Steve and Soda. I sighed quietly, knowing that I was going to be left alone because Two-Bit and Dally already left. Soda wrapped his arms around my waist.

"So, whatcha gonna be doing while we're gone?" I shrugged, not really knowing what I am going to do here by myself.

"Don't know, I'll probably tidy up the place, sleep, or go find sonething do around here." Soda shooked his head and let go of me. He then walked behind Steve and wrapped his arms around his waist and brought him closer to him. I saw Steve blushing when Soda was doing that to him. Golly, they sure do make a perfect couple, I ship it.

"Why don't ya come with us to the DX? Ya can work with us and earn some money while your at it. It's better than being stuck in this old coop." Steve chuckled at the end of his statement. Soda and Darry got offended when he called their house an old coop. I laughed at their reactions.

"Might as well, sounds like fun. Hanging out with the 2 knuckleheads all day won't be so bad." Now it was my turn to tease them.

We all went to Darry's truck and he dropped us off at the DX and went to work himself. Steve opened up the shop and went straight into the garage. While Soda and I went inside the store. Soda handed me a DX shirt since I was working with them. Then a man came into the shop. I'm guessing it was the manager because he was dressed nicely. Like, he had a suit on and everything.

"G'morning, sir," Soda said to the man. He looked at him and nodded, then he looked at me. "Who's this?" He pointed at me and I got nervous a little.

"Oh, this is Y/n. She is the younger sister of my friend Two-Bit. She came into work with Steve and I because she was going to be alone all day." He nodded his head again, knowing that he was understanding.

He went into his office and we continued with the day. Let me tell you, it was boring but fun at the same time.

8 Hours Later:

Golly, was those the 8 shortest hours in my life. It is now 4:00 and Steve was closing down the shop. Before we started walking home, their manager came up to me.

"I saw how you were dealing with the customers today. You seemed to be really good at working here." I smiled.

"Thank you, sir." I replied. I was thinking what he was going to say to me.

"Well, how about you work here full time. With Soda and Steve, we need a new person around here." I happily nodded my head a yes and shook his hand.

"Thank you, sir. This means a lot to me." He nodded his head and smiled. "I'll see you tomorrow mornin, bye." We all said our bye's and started walking home. Man, maybe my life would get better. Maybe....

Hey guys, I hope you enjoy this chapter. If there is any miss spelling or anything, please comment it so I can fix it. Thank you for the support. See ya soon, bye!! ❤❤

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