Chapter 5

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Two weeks after the cafeteria incident, I woke up feeling a bit light-headed. I knew I'd had a strange dream, but I couldn't remember about what exactly it was. I didn't give myself a chance to ponder over it though. Rolling out of bed, I walked into the bathroom to shower and then get ready for school.

Picking up my toothbrush, I was groggily stretching my hand towards the toothpaste, when my eyes landed on the mirror.

My mouth opened in horror, and I dropped the toothbrush in the sink as I stared at my reflection in shock.

Then I closed my eyes, and breathing in and out slowly, counted to ten, as I tried not to panic.

You're just imagining it Stella, you'll open your eyes and everything will be back to normal. I tried telling myself.

But when I opened my eyes again, there was no change. My eyes were still... wrong.

So I walked back to my room in a daze and got back in bed. There was no way I was going to school looking like that.

Twenty minutes passed and then I heard Mimi calling out to me.

"Stella!! What's taking you so long? We're gonna be late for school!!".

I closed my eyes and tried not to make a sound as I heard footsteps approaching my door. Maybe if she thought I was sleeping she'd leave me alone.

But I had no such luck, because she stood by the door and said, "I'm coming in Stella, and you'd better be showering or something coz we're really running late."

She opened the door and came in and I shut my eyes tighter, even though I had my back to her, I couldn't let her see me like that.

"Stella, are you okay?", she said in a softer tone, "You're not sick are you? coz I know you can hear me, you're not a deep sleeper."

She stood there waiting for an answer, and though I was surprised she even cared, I felt bad for not answering her.

So I said in a small voice, "I'm fine... I just... don't think I can go to school today...".

"Why? What's wrong?", she asked, as she came and stood by the foot of my bed.

"Nothing, I just don't feel like going".

I felt her moving till she was facing me, and closed my eyes shut again.

"Stella, are you okay? Why are you closing your eyes?"

"Just because.", I replied, still keeping my eyes shut.

"Stella, look at me", she said in a serious tone.

And I reluctantly opened my eyes.

"Oh...", she said, surprising me a bit. I was expecting her to freak out more.

"Oh?", I mimicked, raising an eyebrow at her, "My eyes are silver and all you can say is oh?".

She shrugged and smiled, "It'll take a lot more than silver eyes to freak me out, and besides, we were kind of expecting this to happen."


"Yeah. Mum, Dad, and I. Hold on, I'll get Dad, he'll know what to do."

And with that, she walked out of the room.

I was really glad she didn't hate me any more, we might not have been friends then but at least she was talking to me, that was a start.

I sat up in bed, wondering how Aiden will take the news, will they finally throw me out? Coz even I had to acmit, it was definitely creepy, maybe they'd figure I was too creepy for them and kick me out...

A few minutes later, Mimi walked back in, with Aiden tailing her and I couldn't help feeling more nervous. My palms were sweaty and I rubbed them off on the pajama bottoms as he knocked on the door and asked if he could come in and I, a bit warily, answered yes.

He came in and stood at the foot of my bed with Mimi by his side, and I kept my eyes trained on the ground, not wanting to see the expression on his face. Mimi might not be fazed, but maybe he would be.

Crouching down opposite me, he asked to look at my eyes and I let him, seeing the kindness in his eyes, and finally relaxing.

"Hmm, silver, I see" he said, smiling a bit, "Had a dream Stella?."

That shocked me coz I was pretty sure I hadn't mentioned that to Mimi.

"Um, yes. I did...", I answered a bit warily.

"Can you remember what it was about?"

"No, I can't."

"I thought as much.", he said, still smiling. "Ok Stella, I need you to close your eyes and picture your eyes the way they were before they turned silver, and then when you're sure you've got it, open them. Can you do that?"

"Um, sure. I think so.", I replied a bit uncertainly.

I looked at Mimi, and she gave me an encouraging smile, I was a bit taken aback but I focused instead on the task at hand.

Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes and pictured brown ones, with tiny flecks of gold in them and a gold rim around the pupils. Then slowly opened them.

"Are my eyes ok now?", I asked the two, and they smiled, nodding.

"Well done Stella. But I'm afraid you'll have to stay at home today. I'm gonna call the school and tell them you're ill, and Rachel will stay home with you okay?", Aiden asked.

I nodded to show him I'd understood and he turned to Mimi, "Don't even think about ditching school.", he said with a raised eyebrow, and she pouted, making me laugh.

Before Aiden could leave the room, I quuckly blurted out, "How did you know that'll work?."

He shrugged and didn't meet my eyes as he answered me, "It was just a hunch."

I couldn't help being a bit suspicious after that, especially when I saw the uncomfortable look on Mimi's face. And I had more questions I wanted to ask him, like why my eyes changed in the first place, but before I could say anything else, they were both saying goodbye and hastily walking out of the room with an extra, "I'll get your homework for you." from Mimi.

Sighing I closed my eyes and thought, what was that?


Hi!!! ^_^

And that's chapter 5!!!! \=D/ hooray!

I'm so sorry I didn't get to update this sooner, I've just had this massive writer's block. But I think I've gotten past that now... I hope.

Anyway, I want silver eyes!!!

I know that'd look really weird on me but I don't care!!! 💁💁

It's a short chapter, I know. I promise I'd try to make the next one longer, but please don't hold back, give Falling a chance to shine and V.CaF. Pretty please O:) Don't be a silent reader.

And hey, is there anyone who wants constructive criticism for their story? Just post something on my message board and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

I'm dedicating this chapter to @geniville :) thank you so much for voting for Jamie.

XOXO always- Zara.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2014 ⏰

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