𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢 𝙖 𝙡𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙢 𝙤𝙛 𝙢𝙚

Start from the beginning

the last song had just ended and people were cheering and clapping loudly, me and Priscilla with them. the boys said their goodbyes and thank yous and ran to the backstage, to us.

Roger rand to me and grabbed my body, lifting me up and spinning me around, while i giggled like a little girl getting tickled. he let me down and pressed his soft lips against mine.

"you did amazing baby! i'm so proud of you all!" i squealed as we pulled away from the kiss.

"all for you, love. i'd be nothing without you." Roger smiled, pecking my lips one last time.

Priscilla was standing next to us, still clapping and smiling brightly. i turned around and moved a little, so Roger could see her. "Rogie, this is Priscilla. we just met but she's amazing! also she has made your show look amazing, so be thankful." i laughed and put my arm around Priscilla's shoulder. she put her hand out for Roger to shake.

"nice to meet you! you're in the crew?" Roger smiled, shaking her hand.

"i work here so yeah, i guess." she nodded. then she glanced at me, giving me a little wink. i laughed.

"you coming to the afterparty?" i asked her and she nodded happily.

"yes! if that's okay."

"it's more than okay!" i tapped her shoulder and let go of her, going back to Roger. he firmly grabbed my hand in his and kissed the side of my head.

"let's go then darlings!" Freddie piped in and we all cheered.

we headed to the afterparty, it wasn't much, just a party in a club near the venue. there were us, some people i had no idea who they were and some groupies and such. the club was nice though, the music was loud and it smelled mostly like alchohol and cigarettes, but it was clean and nice.

Freddie, John, Brian, Crissie, Veronica, Mary, Roger me and Priscilla sat down on a booth. i was sitting between Roger and Priscilla, which was nice. John was opposite me.

"i'm gonna get the first round! what does everyone want?" Freddie jumped up, almost yelling since the music was really loud.

we all told our orders to Freddie and he went to get them, Mary with him.

"you guys were incredible! i've never seen you live, i missed a lot!" Priscilla admitted happily. she wasn't shy at all.

"thank you so much! i'm glad you liked." Brian thanked.

and so we continued our small talk until Freddie and Mary came with our drinks and soon before we even noticed, we were all shitfaced, having our probably sixth drinks. i lost count a long time ago. and soon Freddie, Mary, Brian and Chrissie were gone, probably dancing somewhere, or shagging in the hotel.

me, Roger, John, Veronica and Priscilla were now laughing at something dumb i said, which probably wasn't funny at all, but the alchohol made everything funny. Priscilla's hand was on my thigh and she cackled and let out slurred words that sounded something like "Jill you're so funny!"

then me and Priscilla bursted into a loud laughter, and it even hurt my stomach laughing that much.

"i don't even know what i'm laughing at!" she yelled, her hand going further up my thigh, but i didn't notice.

i didn't notice, but someone else did. Roger, as shitfaced as he also was, he managed pull me closer to him and whisper in my ear softly.

"can we go to the room?"

i changed looks with him and gave him a nod, assuring that it was fine my me. "let's go."

we both stood up, stumbling a little. "we're gonna go now, it's getting late! see ya!" i slurred my words a little, but not much.

"wait!" Priscilla yelled, writing something on a napkin. "here! it's my number. i don't wanna lose a friend. call me!" she handed the napkin to me, her number written on it with a messy handwriting. "you bet your ass i will!" i laughed and put it in my back pocket, while Roger was already dragging me away by my arm.

we said our last goodbyes and then got outside. we waited for a minute to get a cab, then got in and soon we were heading to the hotel, which wasn't far away at all.

as we got to the familiar looking building, Roger thanked the driver, gave him the money and then we both stepped out of the yellow car. stumbling and almost falling, we walked to through the hotel lobby to the lift.

as soon as we got into the lift our lips were hungrily pressed against each other. i was almost out of breath as we were sucking our faces off. but our fun was stopped when the lift door opened and we had to step out to go to our room.

it was hard opening the door, but i managed to do it after a while of trying. then we were in our room, door closed. we didn't even bother to put the lights on as we were sucking each other's faces off and stumbling towards the bed.

"okay i feel like i'm gonna throw up i need to sleep." i said as i jumped down on the bed, Roger following suit. i could see that he was really tired as well.

he nodded and took his clothes off, ready for sleep. i did the same, we both left our underwear on though. we got under the sheets and held each other close. i knew our breaths smelled stongly like alchohol, but that didn't matter right now.

i felt myself drifting to sleep, with Roger's hand around me and his breathing slowing down next to my ear. when suddenly he whispered.

"she likes you."

"who are you talking about?" i furrowed my eyebrows, turning around to face him.

"that girl.. what was her name... Priscilla!"

"Priscilla? well sure she likes me, we just became friends." i giggled.

"no! she likes you! she was flirting with you all night!" Roger exclaimed.

"what are you talking about! she was not!" i was laughing louder. it seemed funny at first, but even as if i was completely drunk, i could realise the faces she gave me, and the little touches. ugh not again, i already feel bad enough because of Brian.

"you're so blind wow."

"oooh somebody is jealous!" i teased him. he put my face between his hand, squishing my face, probably making me look like a fish. i tried to laugh but i couldn't. "stoohhp!" i tried to sound as clear as i could, but i failed.

"sorry, can't hear you." he teased. then after a moment, he let go, and we borh bursted out laughing.

"you're an arse." i laughed.

"i'm sorry Jill." he suddenly whispered in a serious tone, not laughing anymore.

"sorry about what?" i asked sleepily.

"for everything. i have been horrible to you" he started, i saw his face turning sad "i really love you and i hate the fact that i have hurt you. physically, mentally... i hate it. i'm so mad at myself and i will never forgive myself. i just love you so much. you've been nothing but good to me, always doing everything for me... and how do i thank you? by hurting you! i'm horrible." he continued, sniffling loudly.

"Roger... i love you. so much. maybe i'm dumb for loving you, but that will never make me stop. i'll always love you. i'll love you even if i'm ever gone..." i whispered a tear rolling down my cheek. i meant everything i said.

"promise me you'll never go away?" he whispered.

i gave him a sad smile and closed my eyes, ready to fall asleep and dream a dream of him where i would never leave him.

Sunflower Feelings - Roger TaylorWhere stories live. Discover now