~His Baby ~

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Khushi was trying all her tactics from past one hour to put Arush to sleep but he wouldn't budge. It was past 11pm and it nowhere looked like he was going to sleep anytime soon.
Khushi huffed.

"What do you want Aru? Please sleep, Maa is tired!" Khushi tried to make her 10month old see some sense while pacing the room, him placed securely in her hands. In response Aru showed her his toothy grin, his hands playing with her mangalsutra.

"You are enjoying It, ain't you? Do you even see the time, it's past 11 and you are all in playful mood" Khushi blabbered on as if he was understanding her "now close your eyes and sleep now" She tried to close his eyes with her hands instantly earning a growl from him as he angrily pulled at her mangalsutra.
Khushi's mouth formed an 'O'.

He was typical ASR's son. From earning all his father's facial features to having his typical anger on his nosetip. He was just 10month old but smarter than his age, moody and hard to impress. He hated anyone commanding him except his father. He was like mini Arnavji's clone.

"Okay! You want to play.. and not sleep" she laid on the bed sitting him on her stomach. His hand was still stuck in her mangalsutra, it was like he had an obsession with it. "I will teach you Alphabets, you will repeat after me, Okay? Say A,"

Arush sat there silently not interested in his mother's lessons. Khushi rounded her eyes. "Would you say something" she poked in his stomach earning a giggle from him. He was quite sensitive there. Soon his laughter subsided.

"Paaa!" He cooed throwing his hands in the air.

"What Paa... Aww my baby is missing his Paa" She kissed his chubby cheeks giggling. "Papa had gone to his business meeting and he told me he would come very late" Khushi laid him beside her now "you have to sleep with Maa only tonight" she tried to make him sleep, patting his head but Arush quickly brushed her hands off.

"Paaaa" He spoke with such longing as if he had understood his Paa won't be beside him tonight. Khushi's heart almost melted.

He was so close to Arnavji that Khushi often wondered how he managed without him all day, when Arnavji returned home from office he wouldn't let him out of his sight. He demanded his father's undivided attention. Even Khushi meant nothing when his father was around. He came to her only to have his feed. And Arnavji... She had seen him change drastically since Arush birth. His talks had turned more polite with everyone and he would come home early. He even stayed awake at night when Arush gave them tough time at night. He was always there with them.

Khushi's eyes were threatening to fall. She had to wake up early as well but thankfully tomorrow was Sunday and she could sleep some more. Arush was not early sleeper and was very active but he usually slept by 10pm. But tonight was different. Arush eyes were wide open and he played with his toys murmuring some words in between.
Would this night pass just like This?
It was close to midnight now.

Khushi picked her phone drawing Arush's attention, she tried to call him but call went straight to voicemail. She huffed. Arush tried to mimic her actions too showing he was not happy too not able to hear his Paa's voice.

"You little devil, you are going to sleep now or I am not letting you have jalebi when I make one" She tried to threaten him with pretending to glare at him. Arush glared in response too but soon his lips quivered and he burst out crying. Khushi slapped her forehead "nautanki" sometimes he showed her traits too. His tiny brain had interpreted with his experiences that his tears were his greatest weapon especially in front of his father.

Khushi picked him in her arms and rocked him, murmuring some soothing words in his ears to calm him down. It took some minutes to calm him down before he finally decided to crawl out of her laps and picked his toys from bedside table.
Khushi sighed.

Arush was bored now, he had thrown the toy long ago and now was making annoying sound doing flip flops on the bed. Khushi giggled. He was truly like her laad governer, so stubborn!
Soon his eyes had dropped and he was snoring lightly. Khushi finally heaved a sigh of relief and thanked her devi maiyaa. Soon she shifted in her dreamland too.




"Hey Devi Maiyaa!" Khushi was woken by loud shrill of her son's cry. She quickly switched on the light and looked to find Arush all awake sitting on the bed, fresh tears running down his face.

Finding his mother awake, he crawled towards her. Khushi pulled him in her lap. "Maa! Paaa!" He cried. Khushi's heart pained. What was she supposed to do now.... She looked at the clock, it was 2 in the morning. She checked his diaper but it was dry. She tried to sing lullaby but his cries got only louder. It was his sign that he didn't wanted to sleep.

Khushi secured him with pillows before she went to cupboard and pulled out their photo album.

Arush watched with interest in his eyes as his mother approached him with the familiar album in her hand which had his parents pictures on the front. Arush clapped his hands and placed a kiss on the picture as Khushi placed it in front of him, his saliva wetting the plastic cover. Khushi simply giggled at the act. She was sometimes amazed how he easily showered his love for his father while with for others including her, he was always moody. She started showing him the photos meanwhile explaining the events while Arush watched with interest.





And that's how Arnav found them when he entered the room at 3 in the morning. Both his wife and son engrossed in the album. He was shocked and happy at the same time seeing his little munchkin and wife awake, waiting for him.

Khushi turned and looked at the door as if sensing his presence, Arush too followed his mother's gaze and found Paa standing at the doorstep.
He squealed in happiness.


"Arnavji "

Both cried at the same time. Khushi quickly stood up while Arush threw his both hands in front waiting to be picked up by his Paa.
Arnav chuckled in happiness.
All his tiredness gone seeing his family's face, his heart swallowing with pride.

"You are going to take him with whenever you plan to have your meetings at night. I can't bear his tantrums without you" Khushi complained as she helped him in taking his coat off  "like father like son, both stubborn".
" And you love us Both, don't you?"Arnav placed a kiss on her forehead but earned a growl from Arush. He was trying to climb off bed, getting impatient now.
Khushi rolled her eyes while Arnav chuckled. "Possessive son" Khushi muttered.

"Hey champ!"Arnav pecked his cheeks. "Let Papa freshen up then he will hold you, Okay?" Arush huffed. Arnav quickly went to bathroom for changing.

When he returned Khushi was already asleep while Arush was rolling on the bed. He was secured by pillows. Seems like his son had really given some tough times to his mother.Arnav lifted him him and showered him with kisses. Arush giggled and mimicked his father's action and kissed him too. Arnav chuckled. "I love you my champ"
Arnav pecked his pink lips.
"Paaa!" He heard Arush say in response as if conveying he loved him too. Arnav paced the room, Arush's head rested on his shoulder, Arnav talked to him nonchalantly while Arush's little hand patted Arnav's back. And soon he was asleep.

Arnav placed him on the bed and pecked his forehead whispering good night to him and pulled the covers on them. Soon enough he felt his son's legs on his stomach and he chuckled. His son had inherited one trait very well from his mother, sleeping in taekwondo position.
Night was finally blissfull!


Hope you all liked it. Please do give your feedbacks and check my other stories too.
Thank you for reading this.

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