chapter 1

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Mackenzies pov;

I walked through the doors of Gatwick airport to start my new life.

I'm Mackenzie but everyone calls me kenzie or kenz anyway I'm 17 years old from England my mum got a promotion at work so of course we took the only downside is we have to move half way across the world to Australia. I have to leave all my friends and worst of all my boyfriend Calum,leaving was the hardest thing I've ever had to do.

Mum and Dad flew to Melbourne a couple of months ago but I decided to stay to say goodbye to everyone at the moment me and Calum are standing in front of gate 5 waiting for the final call to seperate us.

"I'm going to miss you so much"I said inbetween sobs.

Calum wiped away a stray tear before replying "me too stay strong for me,I love you"I smiled

"I love you too"I kissed him one last time.

"last call for flight 206 to Melbourne,Australia please board the plane"i walked towards the plane.

I can't believe I'm leaving everything because of my stupid mums job shes ruined everything i hate her so much.

"ouch"I yelled as I hit the concreate floor

I looked up to see a very attractive boy with brown hair and a lip ring.I was obviously staring for too long because a voice interrupted me from my daydream

"are you alright?can you hear me"the boy panicked.

I blinked a few times before answering "yeah I'm fine"I smiled he put out his hand for me to take.

"thanks"I muttered "its nothing at all its the least I could do as I did just knock you over"he chuckled lightley

I grabbed my bag before continueing my journey to the plane."so what's your name?"he broke the silence "Mackenzie but call me kenzie" I smiled "nice to meet you kenzie I'm Luke"he opened his arms for a hug and of course I hugged back

I took in his scent which was amazing I pulled away smiling. We boarded the plane.

"Do you want to sit next to me"he asked "yeah sure if its not a problem" he just nodded and lead me to a row of seats with a boy with mesmerising green eyes sat "hi I'm beau"he said holding out his hand "I'm kenzie"I shook it.

Beau sat next to the window Luke in the middle and me on the isle seat. Throughout the journey they were telling me about how they were apart of a group called the janoskians on YouTube it was pretty interesting they showed me a few of their dare Sundays I was in fits of laughter by the second one the rainbow milk challenge by far was my favourite.about 5 hours into the journey I said night to the boys before drifting off into a deep sleep.


My eyelids fluttered open to find that we had just landed.Luke helped me up as w exited the plane we headed to baggage claim to collect our stuff,I only had one bag as the rest of my stuff had been shipped out here.

"Could I have your number?"Luke asked I smiled at him "of course"

We switched phones I saved my number under 'kenziebear' he handed me back my phone he saved his under 'lukey'.

"I guess I will see you around" he gave me one last hug before I went to meet my parents outside.


A/n sorry for such a short chapter this is my first book so you will have to bare with me.Please vote for this chapter.

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