"Well hello there Cassie," you chuckled.

"You ready? I'll be there in fifteen minutes," your friend chirped earning a brow lift from you while glancing down at yourself.

"Define ready..." you muttered.

"Clothes on, keys in your handbag...you know, ready to dash out the door kinda ready,"

"Ummm....not quite,"

"Y/n!!" she whined loudly, and you could feel her eyes rolling at the other end of the phone.

"Sorry....give me 20 minutes," you begged while biting your lower lip.

"Fine, 20 minutes and then I will drag you out the door, and I don't care if you're butt naked when that happens," she huffed and ended the call.

"Love you too," you hummed tossing the phone on the bed and turning your attention back to your wardrobe.



In Rivendell Thorin wandered around the magnificent gardens in the house of Lord Elrond deep in thought when Bilbo appeared in front of him out of nowhere.

"You look troubled, everything alright?" the halfling asked frowning as he watched Thorin coming to a halt gazing at him.

"Yes, why wouldn't it be?" Thorin's voice rumbled through his chest silently cursing the perceptive of hobbits.

"Really? You don't look like it," Bilbo hummed pushing his hands into his pockets looking at the king knowingly. When Thorin didn't reply Bilbo sighed and sat down onto the bench.

"You have been wearing that same look ever since we escaped from the trolls," Bilbo pointed at him. Thorin wasn't sure if it was a good idea to tell the hobbit about his dreams, so he shrugged it off for now.

"I don't need to explain my looks to you master Baggins," he merely said and kept walking past Bilbo deciding to get some rest although in the care of elves it wasn't easy for him.

There she was again, standing in front of him, a coy smile on her face as she was playing with her hair. This time she was wearing airy looking, dark blue colored chiffon that danced with the wind around her bare feet. Thorin could faintly see her features through that piece of cloth leaving very little in his imagination. His heart was beating faster while the blood was rushing through his veins down south, a light layer of sweat forming on his forehead.

Her ice blue eyes held his gaze steadily as the woman before Thorin kneeled next to him whispering something in his ear, earning a shiver traveling through Thorin 's spine. Her delicate hand brushed his cheek gently, and her lips touched the corner of his mouth lightly.

"Say the word," she whispered leaning back so she could gaze at Thorin's face. At first, Thorin wasn't sure what she meant by it, but as her hand graced down on his broad, bare chest while her lips teased him on his neck, his mind went completely blank. Sucking air sharply when her hand caressed his abdomen causing the muscles under the skin clenching Thorin was battling between two choices, either let her continue or stop her.

But the throbbing feeling in his trousers was getting unbearable, and he was aching to be touched as he leaned his head back waiting, praying she would hurry up.

"Say the word..." she whispered again, her silvery voice caressing his every nerve in his body earing a deep moan from him.

"Please..." Thorin's voice was quiet.

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