chapter 1

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5 years later

I swear my son never listens. It's been five years since I left New York.
After I landed in Australia I quick booked a tickets for Belgium.  I knew he was tracking me. I quickly found a job and a place to stay so I could raise my son. I got my degree and now I'm a single mom with a closed circle of friends.

" August if you don't come on we're going to be late. Don't. you want to see Marissa."

She was my God daughter. My friend Jamesha like me is a single mother. Her boyfriend decided he wasn't ready to be a father and left her , so she decided to leave the U.S.

The car ride to school ws a short one and my son didn't even say goodbye just rudhed out the car saying Marissa was waiting.

I just shake my head then head into work. 

Me and my best friend work together. We co own this bakery. I just love baking. 

Sometimes my mind goes back to Ares. I know he took over his famiy's buisiness. I see him on the news sometimes winning cases. I know he recently moved to Italy. So far he  hasn't found me...yet. I can feel he his still looking for me. I just don't want to ever see him, and hopeully August never asks or wants to see him.



I miss her.

I still love her, I never stopped. I know why she ran. I know she's comfortable. I know she's in belgium. I know she had a son. My son.I know she's not exppecting me to come after her after five years but I mean if the person you love took your child away from you how would you feel. 

The second she left I called my father and my uncle and got people on the situation immediately. I got yelled at by my mom and Tares but I mean who cares my main focus was finding her and finially I'm going to be able to put my plan in action. 

Mineजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें