Chapter 7

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"Talking to you makes me feel normal."
His words replayed in my head.

I couldn't stop myself from blushing. I could only imagine the bright shade of pink my cheeks where. I couldn't break my stare from him. It took everything in me not to have my jaw drop down to the floor. I didn't know how to respond. I thought of what Liv would do if she were here. She was always much more confident than me and would definitely be able to think of something to say, other than just staring at him like an idiot.

"Well, I could say the opposite," I finally said, smiling.

"Looks like we found a nice balance?" Niall smirked as he began to stand up grabbing his now empty cup.

I followed him as he discarded his cup and began walking out to the busy city once again. I pulled my phone out of my small purse to find a text from Liv,

"On our way back to the hotel. How's it going?" The text read.

"Would you like to grab something to eat?" I heard Niall's voice say through the distraction of my phone as we walked down the popular street.

I put my phone away, I would see Liv soon, there was no need to answer her right now.

"I would love to, but I actually have to meet up with my friends," I said turning to look at Niall.

"Oh, of course, my bad." He said looking away from me.

'Was it possible that he seemed a bit disappointed?' I thought to myself.

"What about tomorrow?" I blurted out before my brain could even process what my mouth was saying.

"Um, yeah that works," Niall said, his Irish accent more prominent than ever.

"This is me," I said as we reached the front of the large building. "See you tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow," Niall said smiling as we both turned and walked our separate ways.

Forgetting to set a time and thank him for coffee, I quickly turned back around but he was already gone.

I made my way up to my hotel room. To my expectations the room was empty, and Lauren was nowhere in sight. I placed my purse on the small countertop and took out my phone.

"Just got back to my room. Come over."

I finally texted back to Liv.

I took my shoes off and pulled my midlength straightened hair up into a ponytail off of my shoulders. A few seconds later I heard a knock on the door.

"Well?" Liv exclaimed as I opened the door for her.

We went out on the small balcony to enjoy the nice weather as we talked. I told Liv everything about my afternoon with Niall. I told her how we walked there in silence and how awkward some moments where. How I was slightly hurt when he told me "I owe you." He did owe me a coffee, but the words said out loud made it seem as if he was forced to be there. Like buying a coffee for me was an obligation.

"You always do that Aud," Liv said turning to me. "Why do you always have to put yourself down? I'm sure that's not how he meant it."

"Will you stop interrupting me?" I scolded her and continued with my story. "He was asking about my life, and I remembered your advice and really put myself out there, answering all of his questions. He seemed genuinely interested. And then when I asked about his life, he was so surprised that I was even asking. I felt really bad for him Liv. I mean, I can't imagine how hard it must be to not be able to just have a conversation with someone without them wanting something from you just because your famous."

"Yeah, that does sound awful," Liv said sympathetically.

"Anyways, he told me that talking to me, made him feel normal."

"Aud! He was totally flirting with you!" Liv yelled playfully hitting my arm.

"No! I think I would know if he was flirting with me," I said rolling my eyes.

Liv rolled her eyes in return and crossed her arms in front of her, putting her wait on one hip.

"Okay, maybe he was flirting. I don't know," I caved as I felt her eyes on me.

"What did you say?" Liv said trying to get the rest of the conversation so she could fully evaluate it.

"I told him that makes me feel unnormal, and he said that we balance each other out," I blushed just thinking of the memory.

"Oh my god," Liv let out a big sigh "I didn't know Adrianna Tassey had a flirting bone in her body."

I playfully hit her and opened my mouth slightly offended. "I have flirted with plenty of people!"

Liv burst out in an enormous, genuine laugh as the words left my mouth, and I couldn't help but laugh with her. I knew she was right, although I would never admit that to her out loud. I didn't need to though; she knew it too. I have had a few boyfriends towards the beginning of high school, but after those ended miserably, I lost interest in stupid high school relationships.

"So, when is the next date." Liv finally said catching her breath as our laughter ceased.

"First of all, it was not a date. And what makes you think there is another one?" I said beginning to walk inside.

"It was a date," Liv said closing the balcony door and following me inside. "And I know you. He would be crazy to not want to see you again."

I smiled at her compliment, "Tomorrow. But I don't know any details yet."

Before Liv could answer the main door opened and in walked Lauren, with her friend who happened to be Liv's roommate. She was tall and skinny like Lauren but had a much pinker tone to her skin and her long, thick, red hair was in tight curls as mine normally is.

"Hi, I'm Chloe!" She said very enthusiastically as she shut the door.

"Adrianna. Nice to meet you." I said as I made my way to the small refrigerator to get a bottle of complimentary water.

"Hope I'm not bothering you." Lauren said putting down her expensive bag and taking her shoes off "I just have to change and get ready to go out."

"Oh no, it's fine we are just hanging out," I said sitting on the small chair against the countertop.

"You guys should come with us!" Chloe said again very enthusiastically.

Before I could answer I heard Lauren say "No."

At the same time, Liv said, "We can't tonight."

I looked at both the girls. Liv and I didn't make any plans, not that I knew of anyways. I could tell that she was just trying to make an excuse as to why we couldn't hang out with them.

"See? They have plans." Lauren said getting up and going into the bedroom.

Chloe began to follow her into the bedroom, "Well if something changes, we are going to this bar a few blocks down. They'll be drinks and a band playing live music." She said giving a small smile and disappearing into the room.

It hadn't crossed my mind that the drinking age was lower than it was in America, and we could legally drink here. Not that I was much of a drinker, but I wouldn't mind going and listening to music.

"That sounds fun," I said to Liv, hoping she would agree to go.

"Aud, listen to yourself. They aren't our kind of people and you know it." She said disregarding my plea and turning her attention to her phone.

"Chloe seems nice," I said in a whisper

Liv rolled her eyes and again ignored me. "We are going to meet up with Cody and Dylan. Ask them."

"Fine," I said going and taking a seat on the small grey couch. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2019 ⏰

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