Chapter 6

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"Hey." I said with a small smile as I turned my head to see Niall walking up to me. 

His blonde hair was pushed off his face, and he was wearing white jeans, and a plain navy blue t-shirt that really complimented his blue eyes. I put my phone away into my small purse as I stood up from the wall I was leaning against. 

"Where to?" He asked as we began walking along the side of each other. 

"You probably know the area better than I do." I said shaking my head. 

"There is a really nice coffee shop a few blocks down that I really like. Is that okay?" He said asking for my permission. 

I gave him a small smile and nodded.

I could feel his eyes on me as we continued our silent walk. I'm not really sure what I was expecting, but awkward moments of silence was not something that crossed my mind. I didn't know what I was supposed to do or say. I was hoping he would start a conversation, and I wouldn't have to worry about this, but I guess he wasn't quite sure what to say either. 

"Here we are." Niall said as we arrived at a small building.

He held open the glass door for me, revealing the small coffee shop inside. It was very similar to the one I had been in last night but the current one we were in was definitely more popular and was much older, which I could tell by the character of the wooden features throughout the shop. I followed Niall as we walked up to the large wooden bar.

"Can I please have a medium latte?" Niall asked placing his order.

"I'll just have a plain coffee." I told the barista behind the counter. I loved having coffee, but I wasn't a huge fan of all those fancy drinks.

Niall pulled out a small plastic card, handing it to the barista. 

"Oh, you don't have to do that." I said grabbing my purse.

"No, I got it." He said placing his hand over mine to stop me from opening my purse. 

He gave me a small smile as he removed his hand from mine and continued to pay for our order. I froze in place, not sure of what to make out of the small gesture that just happened. His hand simply touching mine spread a shock throughout my entire body. I was removed from my thoughts as he reached his hand out to give me my small coffee cup. 

I followed him to a small wooden table next to the front windows of the shop and sat down across from him. 

"Thank you," I said giving a small smile "You really didn't have to do that." 

He shook his head and gave me a grin before saying, "I owe you remember?" 

I gave him a smile, pretending those words didn't just put a hole through my heart. I knew why we were meeting here, but I guess a part of me was just hoping it meant something more. 

"Stop it. Stop putting yourself down." Liv's voice replayed in my mind. 

"So...why are you in London?" I blurt out trying to start a conversation. 

What a stupid question. I am having coffee with one of my childhood idols, and that is my first question? Clearly, he is here doing whatever it is famous people do. I took a sip of my extremely hot coffee to try to cover my embarrassment.

"I am just doing some work and a bit of traveling at the same time." He said as if he had a normal job. "What about you? I mean I'm assuming you are not from here?"

"No, I'm from the states," I said as I collected my thoughts. "I just graduated a few weeks ago. I'm here for a summer program exploring and learning about the country, and then at the end of the summer, a few students will be selected to stay and continue their studies at the University of Westminister." 

"Wow, that sounds amazing. You must be really smart." He responded.

I blushed as I looked around the small coffee shop taking in my surroundings. The shop was decently crowded and I was surprised that with all the people around, nobody noticed Niall. Not that I have ever hung out with someone worthy of a celebrity title before, but from everything I have seen in the media, they make it seem as if there is always someone around taking pictures or asking for an autograph. 

"So that's your plan then? Going to the U of Westminister?" He added.

"Yeah hopefully." I said proudly.

My academic achievements were always one of the things that I was never ashamed of. Not that I was the best student, but I always worked my hardest to go after the grades I wanted. It took a lot to get me where I am today, and me being here proves that. 

"I'm not saying you won't, but what are your plans if you don't go there? Is college still in the picture?" He asked taking a sip of his drink. 

"I haven't really figured that out yet," I said trying to bring myself out of my comfort zone and share more of my thoughts. "Hopefully I won't have to worry about that, but if I don't get accepted I'll go home and take some time off while I figure everything out. But yes, I definitely want a degree." 

"Well, no matter what it will always work out for the best." He said giving me a small smile, which I couldn't stop from returning. 

"Yeah, everything happens for a reason." I said smiling and truly believing in that statement. 

We both picked up our drinks and drank out of them simultaneously. I became lost in his sea blue eyes and I couldn't stop myself from staring. How was it possible this was happening?  There are so many questions I want to ask him but I don't even know where to begin. I grew out of the boyband stage of my life, just as One Direction split up, and I stopped keeping track of their lives. I still followed them on social media and would listen to their independent songs that played on the radio, but I was not invested in their lives like I once was.

"Are you enjoying your trip so far?" Niall asked pulling me from my thoughts.

"Yeah, it's beautiful," I said as I looked at the city out of the large window to the side of me. "I'm from Pennsylvania and I've never traveled outside of the states so, it's really exciting for me." 

I felt a bit embarrassed due to the fact that he has traveled all over the world and I have rarely ever left my small town. 

"I bet." He said with a small smile. 

"So what about you?" I asked.

"What about me?" He said raising an eyebrow.

"We've been talking about me since we sat down."

He surprised me by letting out an unrestrained, joyous laugh. It was bright and bubbly and I couldn't stop myself from laughing with him. 

"You don't get it." He said as his laughter began to seize.

"What don't I get?" I said the confusion clear in my voice.

 "You are just so normal." he said running a hand through his hair.

"Normal?" I said a bit hurt by his choice of words. 

I followed Liv's advice and tried to open myself up to him. I am not famous, or anything even close, but I never considered myself just so normal. Maybe I was stupid for thinking that after the few conversations we had both last night and today that we would have another word to describe me other than normal.

"Not like that." He said bringing me from my thoughts. "Everyone is always trying to impress me, you know? You are the first person, in a long time to ask about my life, and actually be interested in the answer. Nobody ever asks because they assume they already know it all based on what Wikipedia says." He said looking down at the coffee in his hand. 

I gave him a comforting smile. It never crossed my mind that behind the celebrity was a person, who never had a chance for a normal life. 

"So yes, you are very normal." He said picking his head up, locking his eyes on mine. "And talking to you, makes me feel normal." 

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