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Name: Madeline collision

Age: 18 yrs. Old

Birthplace: El Paso, TX

Blood type: O+

Species: Human, Ghost Demon

Country: United states

Friend: Leanna,Kagome

Likes: Music, Cookies, Sleep, Nature, Kagome, winter

Dislike: Annoying behavior, school, Homework, Naraku, Loud Noise,

Personality: She is shy, Bubbly, quit, Keeps to herself

Appearance: she has Purple hair with white color, she wears glasses she has a lip piercing, she has blue eyes, she wears rip jeans, and long sleeve shirts and she wears converse. 

History: Moon Keeper's

Moon Keepers personality: A moon keeper is a very down to earth demon and is a loving demon, and the moon keeper is not harmful at all

Moon keeper powers: The power to heal any living thing, her power is to controls the moon, and the mother or father of the stars, the moon keeper has a moon staff object, The moon keeper is also very protected of the earth and the whole galaxy the moon keeper is one of the most powerful demons of them all

Moon keeper's Appearance: The moon keeper has very white hair, the eyes are golden green, the moon keeper has a Crescent in the middle of their forehead, her dress is gold with white flowers around the dress and the shoes are glass

Moved to Japan: Because her mom got a job overseas and so they had to move

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