The class laughed again before another student asked something else, this time it was a girl, "ma'am what is your favorite time in history?"

Mrs. J smiled, "hm, I would have to say it would during the second World War."

"Why is that ma'am?" another student asked.

"Because that was a time in history where a majority of the world came together to fight for something they believed in."

"But what they believed in was a war," Percy spoke up, "why is that a good thing?"

Mrs. J looked at Percy and smiled, "what's your name?"

"Percy, Percy Jackson," Percy smiled, "hi."

"Hello Percy, and yes, you are correct, it was a time of war, not peace. But the result of that war was the unification of the world. Steps were taken by the countries to ensure that a battle of that scale never happened again. Yes, there was bloodshed, but it resulted in the formation of the UNO, the first every symbol of unity this world has ever seen."

"But don't they fail like all the time?" Thalia argued, "they aren't really all that good."

"True," Mrs. J nodded, "but you see the reason they fail is because the countries under them refuse to listen to them."

"So it's a failed concept," Thalia shot back, "I mean if a water bottle has a hole in it it's a shitty water bottle."

"Again correct, but you see this isn't as simple as a water bottle. It's an entire world, hundreds of countries trying to work together. The UNO does achieve quite a few things, don't let the media fool you. They do make a difference, and in this case it's better to make some changes, then none at all."

"So wouldn't the better thing to do be to create an organisation that actually worked?" Thalia asked, "I mean, one that is better that the UNO?"

Mrs. J nodded, "yes, true. Maybe one day there will be one," her emerald eyes turned to Percy meeting his sea green ones, "maybe one day one of you will create a program to protect the world, ending all wars and conflicts. Maybe one of you can change the world."

The class was silent,Mrs. J's words struck a chord in them that most didn't realise they had. And then Tyler had to break this moment by opening his mouth, "pft, yeah right. I don't know if you didn't realise who we are ma'am, but we are Yancy academy, we don't change the world. It's a great thing if we just manage to pass school without getting expelled."

The students chuckled nervously at the joke, most agreed, they had lost hope. But the rest...they felt defeated, confined to their own fates, to be a failure, a criminal. The stigma of Yancy academy was stuck on them, and they knew it wouldn't go away.

"Yeah right," Percy scoffed drawing attention to him, "look Tyler you might want to restrict yourself to a life of being basic, thinking you won't ever be more than an annoying ass, but I'm not you. I know for a fact I can be better, and I will. So keep you stupid pessimistic views to yourself, or better yet shove them up your a-"

"-Mr. Jackson!" Mrs. J hissed, "that will be enough out of you! Honestly have some self control, I'll admit I don't really mind you swearing, but this is a class and as such you will behave."

Percy sighed, "right ma'am, sorry ma'am."

The teacher nodded, "right, oh and Tyler," she turned to the boy, "do keep your opinions to yourself. It really is annoying hearing you sound like a such a downer."

Tyler gasped as he started blank eyed at the teacher the students began to whisper amongst themselves, 'did a teacher really just insult a student?'

Percy Jackson and The GameOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora