Chapter 24

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Chapter 24:

Percy sighed, "yeah okay, I don't like you."


"Percy is that you?" Sally Jackson walked in with a towel around her head wearing a fresh set of clothes.

"Hey mom," Percy waved to her as he held the wolf hybrid away from his body while he narrowed his eyes at the dog, "meet pee stain."


"That's this one's new name, pee stain," Percy pointed at the dog in his hand who growled before trying, and failing to bite Percy's finger off.

"Yip yip yip yip!"

"Oh shut up Pee stain," Percy said grumbling. Just then;


Do you really want to name your dog: Pee Stain?


Percy sighe, he wasn't that cruel. he pressed no as his mother walked up to Percy and the dog before tacking him of Percy's hands, "be careful mom he's-"

The dog instead of yelping or peeing on Sally instead barked happily wagging his tail. Percy narrowed his eyes, "-he's extremely friendly."

"Oh how cute," Sally hugged the dog as she scratched behind his ears, "where did you get him?"

", he kind of gave him to me. Said it was a birthday gift" Percy stammered out.

Lie Successful!

"I see, well isn't that thoughtful of your father," Sally said putting the dog down before going into the kitchen to make breakfast, "although Pee Stain doesn't really seem like a nice name Percy."

"Any ideas on a name?" Percy asked as he tried to touch the dog only for the little pup to snarl it;s teeth at Percy. 'Yeah okay he really doesn't like me.'

"How about....Leo," Sally said as she tossed the pup a piece of bacon she had just heated up.

Percy smiled, "isn't' that the name of your childhood dog?"

"Yup," Sally said with a smile as she scratched the pup's head, "what do think? You like that name?"


Do you really want to name your dog: Leo?


Percy smiled and pressed yes as suddenly another profile popped up;

Congratulations! You got a new companion!





Race- HellHound (1/2)+Wolf (1/2)







Percy raised an eyebrow before sighing, only he could get such a lame ass companion. He closed the box and then looked at Leo who was still whole focused on his mom as she cooked some food for him. 'Well it could be worse. Imagine if I had gotten a snake or something.'

"So what's the plan Percy? It is still your birthday you know," Sally asked as she flipped a pancake.

"I...I don't really know. I feel like I should do something, but I don't really know what," Percy said as he took a piece of bacon and offered it to Leo, who promptly huffed at him turning his head in disgust.

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