As Luke opened the door to leave this compartment a gust of air blew in pushing him back. The passageway to the other compartment was destroyed separating the one they were in from the rest of the train.

"Fuck!" Luke called out as he slammed the door shut.

"What happened?" Percy asked.

"Someone separated this compartment from the rest. We aren't connected to the train any more."

"Well shit," Percy cursed, "who could do something like that?"

"I don't know, but whoever did this is smart. They used the cyclops attack as a distraction and separated us from the rest. They probably don't want us to reach LA."

Percy's eyes shot up, "the Lightning Thief."

Luke looked surprised, "w-what?"

"I think it was the Lightning Thief that did this. He or she would gain the most from delaying our trip to the Underworld."

"I see," Luke frowned, "well either way we are screwed."

They could feel the carriage slow down to a stop and when it finally did the questers jumped out of the destroyed train carriage and looked around. They found themselves in the middle of nowhere. Surrounding them on both sides was a huge forest, something grover enjoyed immensely.

"So where to now?" Luke asked.

"I'm thinking we need to get to the closest town," Percy replied and then turned to Grover, "any ideas G-man?"

"Huh? Me?" Grover asked stumped.

"Yeah you. The forest is kind of your deal isn't it? Think you can navigate us through this?"

Grover nodded his head quickly and dashed into the forest. Luke chuckled, "I swear he probably jinxed us on purpose just so that we could go through the forest."

Percy chuckled, "wait up Grover!" The two demigods caught up to Grover inside the forest and found their friend talking, or at least he was talking, to a squirrel.

"Really? Really? You don't say? Are you serious? Hmmm sounds like a problem," Grover said stroking his chin.

"Ah Grover....buddy. Are you okay?" Percy asked his friend, "why are you talking to a squirrel?"

"Oh didn't I tell you? I can speak squirrel," Grover replied as he turned back to the squirrel, "that's Percy, my friend. The tall guy is Luke, but be careful he might steal your nuts."

At the the squirrel looked at Luke and started squeaking in an angry tone while holding up a fist. Luke put his hands up, "okay okay I give."

The squirrel then nodded and turned to Grover. It then pointed to the left and ran back up a tree, probably to find more nuts.

"So what did the squirrel say?" asked Percy.

"His name is Fred. And Fred said that there should be a town a few miles that way," Grover pointed to the left.

"Okay then, let's follow the direction given by a squirrel," Percy said walking to the left, "gods I cannot believe I just said that."

Grover then lead them through the forest all the while stopping to ask for directions from the various forest animals. Needless to say this was the strangest thing Percy had done. Not the fact that his life was a video game. Not the fact that he literally fought a demon from hell just yesterday. This.

Grover eventually stopped at a small clearing as the sun started to set finally covering the woods in darkness. "Think we should stop for now?"

Percy nodded, "ya, sounds good."

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