Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

Percy slowly came to as the darkness slowly drifted from his eyes. He opened his eyes to see a goat standing over his head, wait....goat?

Percy shook his head and got up slowly and then he heard Grover speak up.

"Wow, easy man. Take it slow," Grover said as he helped Percy to his feet, "what happened Percy? I heard you drop to the floor."

Percy looked at Grover and then shook his head again, "I-I'm fine G-man. I think I must have just hit my head on your bead one to many times."

Grover looked at the bed and then back at Percy slowly bringing the green eyed boy to the edge of the bed, making sure Percy didn't hurt himself again, "well I suppose we are getting a little too big for these things now."

Percy nodded and rubbed his head, "hey wouldn't have heard any strange noises coming from this room did you?"

"Noises?"Grover asked with a raised eyebrow, "like what?"

"Like a bell, you know the kind in video games that go, 'ping!'"

Grover scratched his chin and shook his head, "no Percy, no bells ringing for me. You sure you alright man? Hearing bells ring in your head isn't really the sign that you DON'T have a head injury. We should atleast go to the nurse Percy."

Percy shook his head, "no Grover I'm fine, you just...go on. I think I'm just going to stay here for a bit."

"You sure man?"

Percy smiled and nodded, "yeah man I'm sure."

Grover nodded and eventually left to take a shower, after asking Percy a couple hundred more times whether he was fine and then finally Grover left Percy alone.

Percy frankly didn't know why Grover was so worried. It was obvious Percy didn't have a concussion or anything. Because he was sure he heard the noise before he hit his head and before he fainted. And further proof that the blue, red and brown boxes' were not all in his head was right in front of him as the brown box still wasn't gone.

Percy Jackson



The Gamer


Level-2 Exp-30/400









MONEY- 0$/0D

Percy still didn't know what the hell was going on. His best bet, his life had been a video game all this while and he was only now coming to realise this. Of course that sounded so stupid, like why would nothing ever happen to him......before.

And then Percy wondered, what did the hero of the story do before the game started for them? Before some kid took control over the joystick and play hero? Did they all have regular lives? Was he a hero now?

Percy shook his head, this is getting way to meta for him, after all it can't be true. Because Percy doesn't feel like he's being controlled right now.

For thinking far beyond yourself and wondering about this new ability in a very meta like manner you now posses, you have gained 1 WIS.

Percy blinked, really? It was like that? Percy looked at his statis screen and there it was.

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