chapter 21

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corbyn's pov

"guys hurry up!" i stand up after grace hangs up and run into the room where all the guys are.

"what? calm down, this is our day off before flying home now that tours over," jonah says calmly.

"you don't understand! dumbass over here cheated on grace and she's scaring me!" i point to zach.

"you did what now?" daniel looks at zach.

"we can question him on the plane! but we need to get a flight right now!" i shout.

"why?" jack asks concerned.

"the last thing she said before hanging up was to tell zach not to worry about her and that she didn't want to be here," i do air quotes as i say here. zach stands.

"what? is she okay?" is he stupid or stupid.

"no! you cheated on her with kay! it's all over instagram!" i see his eyes start to fill with water.

"i didn't mean to, i just missed her and needed someone to fill that void," i can't with him right now. jonah scurries onto his phone to find tickets. 5 minutes later he talks again.

"okay it's booked, we need to leave in an hour let's pack!"

just the babysitter  - zach herronTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon