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There are no answers to be had, but having answered two of the riddles so far, Graham feels good about this one. So, with renewed confidence, he crosses the bridge, but on the other side he draws to a halt.

"Where am I to go now?" he queries. "Perhaps grandma may know."

So, with his feet directed to the homely cottage, he carries on his way, but something halts his march. A shrouded figure in a small boat, is beached on Graham's side of the deadly moat.

Our hero walks up to figure. "Good day, uh, sir," he addresses it. "Might I have passage to the castle?" Graham waited, but the figure never responds.

The young king is uncertain of what to do, but money does make the world go round. He has only the trinkets he means for Valanice and though he doesn't wish to part with any of them, he certainly has no choice if he wishes to travel to the castle.

He thrust his hand into his pack, but finds the dark figure snatch up his hand and bring the ring to bear with, what he assumed to be, its face.

It holds there for several moments before releasing its grasp and beckoning with a single bony hand to the boat. Graham takes the hint and enters the small craft, and once he is seated the figure pushes the boat away with a large paddle and guides it to the castle.

The trip isn't long and they are soon on the other bank, directly facing the castle.

Graham holds still a moment unsure of what he should do next. But the captain of the vessel stands completely still and does not even utter a noise. So, upon his own inclination he exits the boat.

King Graham stands upon the bank and feels evil surging all around him. He looks back to the ferrymen and to his surprise, it has not vanished as he thought it might. So, he turns his attentions to the path before him which wind around some very nasty looking brambles that are coated with an oily liquid that, for all intents and purposes, seems toxic.

Remembering the horse's gracious gift, Graham pops the little sugar cube into his mouth. It tastes sweet, but he otherwise, he feels nothing. Did the treat really render him immune to poison? He's about to find out.

Despite his seeming protection the brave adventurer is cautious, but the brambles grow wildly all over the path. There simply is no means of getting by without brushing against them once or twice, or in Graham's case, sixteen times. The cuts they leave hurt, but do not halt his progress.

Luckily, the ordeal is short lived as the path opens up to the large main doors in the side of the castle. Upon his approach, two haunting specters emerge floating just to either side of the portal.

They look none too friendly and Graham approaches them very carefully. He needs to get through the door, but these ghosts do not seem to be very welcoming.

Then he remembers the ring. "Well it worked on the ferryman." he remarks as he walks toward them, displaying the signet ring.

They both take one look at it and vanish. He's relieved and opens one of the large doors.

Inside, the castle is dark and gloomy and the only light emanates from torches that are at sparse intervals along the walls. Graham wishes he still had the oil lamp, at least it would have provided a little light.

Turning left, the young king finds stairs that lead to the top of one of the towers. He takes them staying close to the light as they're not exactly unsafe, but neither are they all that inviting.

At the top of the stair is a musty old bed chamber that is sparsely furnished and has a single window from which Graham looks out at the ground below and breathed some of the fresh air before turning about.

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