Chapter 1: Angela

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Hi, my name is Angela Baxley and I am 25. I am roughly 5'8, 150 pounds, I live in a town where everybody knows everybody, and let me just start by saying, "Live your life to the fullest." Yes I realize that at this point in time this saying is nothing but a cheesy reminder to not let anything stop you. However this is my story as to why you should take that phrase, and use it more as a motto and less as a guideline.


I start my day just as any other. I wake up, and I take a brisk shower, and lastly I do my makeup and hair. I quickly finish all of this and grab my red backpack. Along with my backpack, I grab my house keys, a pair of old, ratty, torn shoes, my phone, and my wallet. I slip on the shoes, put the wallet in the backpack, and, as I am leaving and locking the house, I put my keys in my backpack.

"Hey Angela. How are you this wonderful morning?" says my neighbor Paul Anderson.

"I am perfect. What about you, Paul?" I reply.

"I was just about to water my petunias. Are you about to walk to work?" he says as he starts to walk down his front steps with his watering can.

"I was, but I am leaving a little early today because I got a raise. So I thought I might treat myself to a little Starbucks this morning." I explain as I am walking down the sidewalk towards town.

As we both exchange our goodbyes I begin my small journey. About a quarter of the way to Starbucks I notice a small white truck that has been tailing me. I slow myself to a stop to give the driver a piece of my mind. As I slow down to a stop they just drive past me. I begin my small journey, again. Once I am about halfway there I notice another car that seems to be following me. I slow to a stop, again, this time much more annoyed. I notice that the car is a bright red convertible. Unlike before this car at least has the decency to stop and apologize. The driver slowly rolls down his window to talk.

"Hello. My name is Diego. Why are you stopped?" he says in a Spanish accented voice.

Immediately all my feelings of anger are gone when I see him. He has beautiful, bright, blue eyes. He has muscularly tanned skin, and deep set jawline.

As I start to fumble over my words, I finally get out my name. "Hey. My name is Angela. To be honest, I am stopped because I thought that you were following me, but I suppose that is kind of a ridiculous accusation." Once I finish my statement I realize that I don't know him, but he seems trustworthy.

I am brought back to reality when I notice that he is about to speak, "Oh, no, that is totally fine. I actually kind of was following you, but not in the way you think. I was hoping you could give me directions to the highway. In return, if you want, I could take you to where you are going."

I consider it for a moment and decide to take him up on that offer. "Ok. I will gIve you instructions to Starbucks, and my work. From there I will show you where the highway is."

He nodded agreeing with my plan. He then unlocked the car, and I got into it. I then explained that we were going to go to Starbucks first.

"What do you drink?" he asked.

I replied with, "A vanilla bean frappe."

He reached down to the cup holder and picked up a Starbucks drink, "That is what this is. I haven't drank from it yet; You can have it."

I thanked him and took the drink. He rolled up the windows and started the car. As we started to move I quickly told him the route to my work and he nodded in acknowledgment. I took a large drink of the frappe, and was glad my day was off to a good start. Once we turned off the street we were on, I began to feel drowsy. I put down the drink, and start to open my backpack to get my phone.

I stopped when Diego looks over and says, "Don't worry. I am going to make things all better."

Before I can scream or even whisper a threat, I am asleep.


Hey! Did you like the first chapter? There are some things that I would like to reiterate: 

please comment any good constructive criticism and there may be cussing but nothing too bad. If you guys like this chapter then I will continue to write.

Keep reading, stay happy!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2019 ⏰

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