Part 24 : the baby

Start from the beginning

"Don't you worry about me, I know where the kitchen is if I ever get thirsty" then she asked "how are you and baby girl?".

"Well we are amazing actually, happy and thankful." Stella took one of Jennifer's hand so she could feel her kicking.

"Oh wow she is seriously kicking! Reminds me of Kelly, you know what?" She said like a little child.

"What?" That had Stella wondering but yet happy and entertained.

"I know Kelly is going to go crazy for this little girl!" And she winked.

"Why do you think so?" That was making Stella laugh.

"Because dads are usually like beautiful idiots in front of their daughters. And the way Kelly always cared about kids, now he is having one. I can tell you guys are going to be great parents" she held Stella's hand, tight.

The moment was beautiful.

"Oh but look at that ring! I was ready to give him a beating if that ring wasn't at your level!" She said jokingly.

"You say some crazy things but thank you for being here!"

"Now we're family and remember if Kelly ever acts up, you come to me"

Then they hugged, Jennifer loved Stella. Sure she had only saw her two or three times since she lived far but she always knew Stella was the one for Kelly. She was happy they were finally married and about to have a baby.
Two more months went bu, Jennifer was still there with Kelly and Stella. And it made Severide happy to see Stella less worried. It was definitely a great choice to get his mom to come for a little while.

Stella was now 8 months pregnant, and she was enjoying her pregnancy so much.

"So we're going to the beach, is it okay if you stay a little while alone mom?" Severide asked while packing snacks, drinks and more.

"I'm going to be fine, you guys go and have fun! And be careful"

Jennifer kissed them both goodbye.

And before leaving Stella felt a sharp pain in her lower back but she didn't bother to say anything to Severide or Jennifer. And they were on their way to the beach.

They sat at their favorite spot, and enjoyed each other's company. When they started talking about names for their baby girl.

"So what do you think about Maya?" Severide proposed.

"I don't know, I like it but I want something else I feel like"

"Well I would propose something even a second name but I don't know" he said shy.

"Tell me what is it?" She said excited.

"I always wanted to keep a little piece of Shay with me, and Leslie would be a cute name!" He proposed.

"I like Leslie, and I want it as our daughter second name but she name a first name." She laughed then said "we need to think about that one"

"I know!"

"But why you never mention Shay much, I would have love to know. How was she?"

"She was the best ever and she sure knew me well. You know sometimes you remind me of her, always so caring about me" he said thinking about all the times with Shay "but anyways what do you think we get in the water?"

"Are you crazy, the water is not that hot. It's not summer anymore, I know the temperature aren't cold yet but the water can't be pleasing!" She warned him.

"Oh come in just a little dive" he insisted.

"Well you go, i'll wait here and be careful"

"Okay then, and he ran in the water like a little kid"

Stella was laying down when the pain started to come back. So she was focused on that.

And she thought to herself 'i hope those are not contractions'.

After a good four minutes of great breathing, the pain finally went away. And then she realized Severide was no where to be seen. So she started panicking, walking from left to right. Until she saw his arm, he was drowning.

But how if he was the best swimmer, it was probably a current. And so as crazy as it sounded she decided to go in the water.

She was scared, and the pain was coming back. She knew her baby was coming, it was definitely contractions. But she had to save Severide too.

So she swam to get him, but he was heavy. She got him to the sand the best way possible, in pain and everything. Then she got her phone and called for an ambulance.

"Come on baby!" She said looking over him.

But she checked and he wasn't breathing so she started doing CPR. She was concerned for Kelly, but as doing CPR and waiting for the ambulance to arrive. The contractions were closer together.

"Please baby girl" and she let out a sigh.

Severide was not reacting. And just a little before the ambulance arrived and started throwing all the water out.

"Kelly!" She said but he still wasn't fully conscious.

The ambulance came and got him behind. Stella rode with them in the back, and they went to MED. She called Jennifer once they arrived at MED.

Will took care of Severide as soon as he came in. And Stella just walked in and wanted to talk to Maggie.

"Hey Stella, you are soaking wet, you need to change!" She said worried "come with me!"

"I'm okay I just..." but she stopped as she felt something weird.

Her water had just broke so she looked at Maggie, who understood right away.

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