Ten, recovery and bonding

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It's morning. I don't know what time it is i had fallen asleep last night, but i still remember vividly that Claude is with me since yesterday. I got up, leaning on my elbow from where i found myself, the sofa. I find the guy sleeping near my head in a sitting pose, leaning on the sofa right in front of me. His head is a little down because he sit on the floor, while i take up the whole sofa, and there's dexter sleeping on his lap under the covers. There's also one on me. I didn't remember using it. But i do take some from my room for him to use later. 

Looking to the coffee table, there's two cup of hot cocoa, now cold, with one of it half full, and one of it empty. I make both for him and dexter to enjoy last night while we're watching a movie. 

I try to remember more of what happened last night before i finally off to dreamland, and the memory does come back one by one. 

After Claude guided me to my own house, he make me sit on the sofa, patting on my head and saying to just let my tears go, without warning, my tears flowed without a pause for about 30 minutes straight. I wails as he stayed quiet, just sitting next to me, sometime patting on my back or on my head. When i'm done, i offered him to take a bath while i look for some clothes for him. Thankfully, there's hoodies i bought for Estes that he refused, saying he doesn't like it, so i used it. I gave it to him with training pants Estes refused to have too. 

After he's done taking a shower, it's my turn, and then we just cozy ourself up a the living room, treating my swollen cheek with band-aid, watching movies and playing games until we tire ourselves out. 

And that's all about it, i think. We won't go to school today, because he told me to just rest up after an overwhelming day, and he'll accompany me. I doesn't have the heart to say no, because right now, i just want to be with him. I guess i finally letting this feeling flows just like it's supposed to. It is easier that fighting it. 

"Mornin'" Claude's hoarse voice took my attention away. He's rubbing his eyes with one of his hands, while his drool is slowly streaming down. I giggled. 

"Good morning. I don't know that you're a morning person." 

"Ah, i'm both. Depending on the situation," he explained, wiping his drool with his back hand, then yawns, "i guess that you are one?"

"No, i'm a moon elves descent. But i am a morning person. I can be up till 11 though," i said, remembering the very last time i stayed up late at night. It's new year eve, and i missed all the godly spectacle of the fireworks :') 

Claude responded with a laugh, "I can do better than that." I puffed my cheek, hitting his shoulder. "Ow," he exclaimed still with laughter. We keep joking around for about another 2 minutes before he said suddenly, "Are you okay now?" 

"...I don't know," i said, starting to think and feel anything related to last night. That definitely will leave a scar, sure, but.. "i don't think i recovered that much yet. The dark surely will haunt me, that for sure." 

"Alright, i'll stay until you feel safe being alone again," he said, leaning his face to his hands that rest on the sofa. I give him my thankful smile, then moved to the kitchen. 

"Do you want to eat anything?" I asked him. 

"Whatever's on your menu," he said casually with another yawn. Dexter already up when we're joking and is now eating an apple. 

"Bread with melted cheese and bacon?" 

Claude turned his head to me,"That sounds nice." 

"Alrighty then."

While i cook, i can hear droplets of rain pouring down. So, unlike what i thought last night, it's raining in the morning. Calming my nerves more. We spend our entire morning with talking and some board games.

Miya the Nerd (x Alucard? Claude?)Where stories live. Discover now