Inspirational Tagalog Quotes

Start from the beginning

-..I will not forget you. Isaiah 44:21

-..You are mine. Isaiah 43:1

-..I love you. Isaiah 43:4”


“I know you’re so busy, but for three seconds think of me.”


“According to the survey, childish people tend to be temptations…while the mature are able to stand against it.”


“GOD is our strength in our heart and our portion forever…”

“Failure is the opportunity to begin more intelligent


There are times that we have pain in our life.”

But remember, GOD created that pain where the true meaning is:







If you let me choose GOD or you?

Of course I will choose GOD because…



Girl: Jesus, what will I do? I like this boy, but I’m tired of being ignored by him.

Jesus: Princess, I love MILLIONS of people that ignore me everyday. But I still love them unconditionally.


Tips on waking up:

1. Think of GOD who loves you.

2. Think of nice thing to come.

3. Think of nice friends around you.

4. Think your special someone.


A father was reading a news paper, he did not want to disturb by his little girl so he cut out a map of the world, tore it 2 pieces and gave it to her to assemble.

After a while she returned to him with the map all in perfect order. Every piece is in its place.

The surprised father said, “Honey, you don’t know about geography so, how did you do it?”

The innocent girl replied, “The picture of Jesus is at the back and I know if I had Jesus at the right place, the whole world would be perfect.”


“God set a place for you, in His heart not in this world, because the world is temporary, but in God’s heart you are chosen and blessed forever.”


“I will never allow anyone to belittle my soul by making hate him\her.”


“Believe in what you are praying for…

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