New friends🤪

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*At lunch*
Choppa pov
Me and the gang was sitting at the tables when kassidy came over being annoying talking all loud. She looked at Nana with a glare like who is she nana then spoke
She said "hey I'm nana"
Kassidy: "I don't care why are you around my man"
Nana: " girl chill you really don't want to get loud with me"
Kassidy: " you not gone do nothing to me so pop off"
I could see in nana face she was getting mad,she looked so cute
Nana swung off of kassidy she hit her in the face,kassidy fell Nana was hitting her in the face I was thinking to myself dang she got hands I pulled nana of off kassidy. I was trying to clam her down I took her out the lunch room
Choppa: "you gotta chill she not nobody to be fighting over some petty"
Nana: "you right"
Choppa: "let me get your number though"
Nana: "sure" she put her number in my phone and saved it under Future wife💍❤️😍 I took her phone n saved my number under forever mine😍☺️I thought to myself thinking about how I'm really feeling this girl🥰 we walked back into the lunch room n I walked over to kassidy n said "it's over"
She said "you can't break up with me I'm pregnant"
Choppa: " how if we never had sex"
Kassidy walked away mad knowing I was right.
*Later on that day*
I decided to text nana so I did
Forever mine😍☺️: "hey ma"
Future wife💍❤️😍: "hey papi"
Forever mine😍☺️: "wyd baby girl"
Future wife💍❤️😍: "nun chilling hbu"
Forever mines😍☺️: "nun FaceTime me"
Future wife 💍❤️😍: "ite" she FaceTimed me n we was on the phone talking getting to know each other. I checked the time to see it was 11:34pm we got on the phone at 4pm "dang we been otp for 7hours"
She then spoke
Nana: "you wanna gts otp"
Choppa: "yea"
Nana: " ite I'm finna go get in the shower brb"
Choppa: "imma do the same"
We got in the shower n got out at the same time it's was now 12:16am. I put my basketball shorts on. I was still shirtless. I laid on my bed looking at the ceiling then I heard her come back to the phone.
Choppa: "you back ma"
Nana: "yea"
After she came back we was just talking. I was so scared I wanted to tell her that I like her but I couldn't. She then spoke
Nana: " choppa I like you"
Choppa: " what..."
Nana: " I like you"
Choppa: "I like you to"
Nana: "so"
Choppa: "you trying be my girl"
Nana: "yes😍"

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