four; family dinner part two

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"Do you two know each other already?" Jack asked breaking the silence, looking confused as Adam and I were still staring at each other. I looked down in Adam's arm to see The Intimidation Game tucked under his arm.
"No, just a very familiar face, I guess," Adam smiled a small one, staring in my eyes. I felt a warm feeling in my chest as he broke eye contact and moved it to his youngest brother.
"Well you two get familiar," Cam said, setting her plate of food down at her spot on the table. "You guys will be walking down the aisle together."
I choked on the wine in my mouth as Cam said that, thinking of myself as a bride. I held my hand at my mouth as I caught the drops of alcohol.
" the wedding," Camryn finished, placing her napkin slowly in her lap. "Ry and I figured that you two would walk together and Aubrey and Jack would."
"Right, right," I said, setting my wine glass down on the table, clearing my throat. I glanced up at Adam, who was sitting across from me, to catch a small smile directed my way.
"We also aren't doing the whole 'maid of honor' and 'best man thing, either," Ryan said, placing his hand on top of Camryn's. "You guys are so important to us that it wouldn't be fair."
"And we know y'all will all do the things that title holds so why even have it?" Cam asked, looking over at Ryan and smiling. The two were really in love, it was crazy to be in the presence of it.
"Get a room," Jack said, making the whole room uproar in laughter. Shay started to bark and howl from her corner of the room.
"Don't worry, Shay, you'll be the flower girl," Jack said to the dog, making everyone laugh again.
"So, enough wedding talk for right now. Elisha, how was the trip?" Aubrey asked, folding her hands and placing them under her chin. Just then, everyone's eyes darted towards me, waiting for me to speak.
"I mean-" I started, looking up at Adam who was listening intently. "The flight? I can't even remember it. I was out cold the majority of it and just like that I was in the states."
"How long are you staying after the wedding?" Jack asked, taking a sip of his wine.
"A few days," I said, relaxing a bit as I sipped my wine. "I haven't bought the plane ticket back yet so it's pretty lenient but I figured since Ryan and Cam we're headed off on their honeymoon after the wedding I wouldn't want to be a squatter in the house."
    "Lish, stay as long as you want after the wedding," Cam said, taking a sip of her wine. "As long as you don't need to be anywhere in England, America is glad to have you."
    "Can we eat now?" Jack asked like a three year old, whining in his seat.
     "Aren't we still waiting on-" Aubrey started, looking towards the door.
     "Nope," Adam said smiling. "Dig in everyone."
     "Thank god," Jack said, stuffing his napkin in his shirt.
     "Okay, okay, okay," Jack said, stumbling his words a little because of the wine. "Fuck, marry, kill; Chris Pratt, Ryan Reynolds, and the guy who played Anakin Skywalker in the prequels."
     Ryan went wide eyed as he weighed his options set out in front of him. Aubrey and Cam busted out laughing at his facial expression.
     I stood at the sink, rinsing the plates in the soapy water.
     "So," Adam said, leaning against the counter near me. He set down his glass of wine and picked up a dish rag to help. "This is a bit of a coincidence, isn't it?"
    "You think?" I asked laughing, feeling my cheeks become red hot. "Out of how many people in New York and you end up being my best friend's fiancé's brother?"
    "You're saying it like it's a bad thing," Adam said, focusing now on the dishes. Tension built between us as silence grew.
    "No, no, I-" I started. "I'm just a tad overwhelmed at all that's happened these past few days, is all."
    "That's New York for ya," He said. "If it helps at all, your accent is very adorable."
    I felt my cheeks burn hot again as so looked away so he couldn't see me blush.
    "I don't get that often where I'm from," I laughed, flashing him a smile. "Your accent is very interesting as well."
    Interesting? I said to myself. That was harsh. Why couldn't you have said adorable as well? What the hell, Elisha.
    "Don't get that often here as well," Adam said, drying off a plate. "How long have you known Cam and Ry-"
    "Adam!" Jack said, drunkingly calling to his brother. "Ryan just said he would fuck Anakin Skywalker!"
    "I guess this isn't a real time to have small talk, isn't it?" He laughed, giving me a smile. "How about dinner tomorrow?"
    "I-" I started, but before I could answer Adam did for me.
    "Great, pick you up at eight," Adam said. "No way you would fuck Anakin Skywalker and not Ryan Reynolds."
    I laughed as Adam joined in on his brother's conversation, it slowly setting in that I had a date with him tomorrow. Holy shit a date.
    "Mmhmm Elisha, I see that grin," Cam said, walking behind me. "You've got a crush on Adam, don't you?"
     "Adam? I mean, I think he is a gentleman, but-" I started, furiously scrubbing the plate clean.
     "But you're afraid of what may happen, I get it," Cam said. "But so is he, trust me. He dated this one girl for what felt like decades and she really messed him up, I mean. Wow. But hey, maybe you coming here is what y'all both needed."
     "What we both needed?" I asked.
     "You know," she said shrugging her shoulders. "He needed to get over Alexis and you needed to trust somebody."
     "Cam, I don't think-"
     "Cmon, Lish," She said, looking at me. "I'm not saying do it but I'm not saying don't. It's your gut, follow it."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2019 ⏰

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