Chapter 11

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Cameron was walking over to Carter then...

I woke up...? How I didn't even know I was asleep, happy I was not kidnapped I tried to get up.

Only to fun I was still tied to my chair and Cameron was

Beating the shit out of Carter.

Once he saw my he quickly untied me and said that the police were on their way, when probably cam would be the one being arrested because he practically killed Carter.

He pulled me up and my legs hurt until I saw that it was bleeding, Then it all came flooding back... Cameron came in and Carter said if you get close I'll stab her, Cameron just walkes closer Carter quickly grabbed a knife and walked towards me making Cam attack him but carter not failing to stab my leg... Then I passed out.Oops.

He carried me out to the front yard to see that the ambulance had just arrived, I don't know how it happened but I passed out AGAIN. Maybe from joy or from you know... The large amount of blood I lost. Or a little bit of both. And that's all I remember until I was just in pure blackness.

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