Chapter 2 It's time things changed around here

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        "What's the matter?' Pete taunted. "Scared of a little gun?" 

        I didn't answer, all I could do was stare at the guns in their hands. The only ones with guns were the Government and... The Revolutionaries, the rebellion group that is preparing an overthrow of the Government. But Pete and his goons, there's no way they'd get in with The Revolutionaries and they aren't important enough to be in the Government, so, how did they get the guns?

        I shook my head to get the thought out . No, I thought not important right now, what is important is how I'm gonna get out of here without bullet in my head. Nobody moved so I took the chance to weigh my options.

        Option 1, I turn around and try to outrun the bullets... nope. Option 2, I charge them and hope my power reflects bullets... not unless I'm suicidal. That leaves option 3, the one I always end up picking. I wing it and hope I'm alive in the end.

        After I finished weighing my options I looked up only to find Pete mid monolouge. "And so even with your dumb power you wont be able to escape!"

        I raised an eyebrow and grinned psychotically, "Really? Can I test that theory?"

        I dove to the side as the three of them each fired their pistols, landing in a pile of garbage. Pete cursed and fumbled to reload his gun. I took the opportunity to attack, leaping high in the air, I aimed myself towards one of Pete's goons. I heard a satisfying crunch as I landed on the boy, crushing his neck. Pete and the other goon had their guns reloaded now and both took aim at me. I kicked out at Pete's legs, knocking him to the ground and throwing his bullet off track, unfortunately this left me wide open.  As I turned back to the other goon, I heard a loud pop and my shoulder exploded in pain.

        I crashed to the floor, my ears ringing and feeling worse than I did after eating Granny's cooking. I could see a pool of blood forming around my shoulder and a small black pebble lodged in the source. I almost threw up at the sight of my own wounds, out of the corner of my eye I could see Pete being helped to his feet by goon #2. They grabbed their guns and held them to my skull, prepared to fire point-blank.


        "Got any last words for us twerp?" Pete grunted. I rolled onto my stomach and pushed myself to my knees with one arm. "Yea," I muttered "Go to Hell." Time slowed down as I once again heard a pop! This time however I didn't intend to move. To this day I know how lucky I am to have survived that event, I wouldn't have if I hadn't let my guard down and allowed the power to control me

        With lightning speed, speed faster than a bullet, I dove at their feet and they went crashing to the ground. I'll spare you the details of what happened next, I'll just say Pete's head was in a different part of town than his body was. I stood over the bodies... my hands caked with dry blood, I watched as the pool of blood reached my shoes and seeped through them. I looked over to a nearby building where the splattered remains of goon #2 dripped from the walls. I don't know what I was feeling at the time, angry, scared, invigorated... all I do know is it felt good. I felt more powerful and unstoppable than I ever did before. At least until I heard the whine from behind me.

        I turned around to find Alec, standing at the end of the alley, his eyes big and full of fear. Alec was afraid... of me.

        "Alec... Alec I-" 

        "You killed them."

        "Well, yea but they-"

        "You killed them!"

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